Monday, October 31, 2011
Does Dean of St Paul's resignation statement show church cares more about profit than prophets?
Original to be found here.
"The past fortnight has been a testing time for the Chapter and for me personally. It has become increasingly clear to me that, as criticism of the cathedral has mounted in the press, media and in public opinion, my position as Dean of St Paul’s was becoming untenable. In order to give the opportunity for a fresh approach to the complex and vital questions
The Organ Grinder
The Organ Grinder
by Carl Glover (Brain Poop)
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Occupy 'shows that it is still possible to save our species from extinction.'
Hugo Blanco is the historic leader of the Peruvian indigenous.
He led a successful peasant revolution for land rights in 1961 when peasants were being killed by land owners.
Praised by Che, Hugo then a leader of the Fourth International, was captured and placed on death row and only lived due to an international campaign of solidarity launched by figures like Sartre.
Now in the his late 70s
Poster of computer game Rock 'n' Roll
Hugo Blanco 'Se extiende la rebelión mundial contra el neoliberalismo''
Se extiende la rebelión mundial contra el neoliberalismo
Hugo Blanco
La inició Mohamed Bouazizi, el vendedor ambulante de Túnez, quien se volcó encima un líquido inflamable y se prendió fuego, como protesta porque la policía le quitó su mercancía. Las llamas de ese fuego están incendiando el mundo capitalista.
Primero provocaron la insurrección del pueblo tunecino que derribó al
Endless staircase from Torres
Endless staircase
by Magnus Konze
£178,000 salary is shameful as cuts bite deep
Excellent stuff from Don Grimes, incidentally it disgusts me how much University Vice-chancellor's get paid as well, all about inequality, all about 1%, so proud that the Green Party is making noise about this.
The announcement that B&NES Council is to retain the post of Chief Executive (2010-2011 salary £178,000 per year plus pension benefits) and also pay a 'head-hunting' fee of £
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Caroline Lucas 'Well-behaved women rarely make history.”
Lol it is the same Green Party, nice article from the FT though. Caroline is very sensible on confidence and supply, coalition is not always the way to power!
The banner in Caroline Lucas’s office is uncompromising: “Well-behaved women rarely make history.” It seems an odd epithet for this neat, well-spoken 50-year-old in a sensible grey outfit.
But Ms Lucas, the first Green MP in
by Pappengeimer
Additional maps for computer game Lux Delux
Outrageous, unfair and morally reprehensible" fumes Penny Kemp of The Green Party.
Outrageous, unfair and morally reprehensible" fumes Penny Kemp of The Green Party.
More than £1.3 billion has been taken away from council's annual spending on help for the over 65's, pensions are losing value, nurseries are closing and millions are living in fuel poverty and we see a 49% pay rise for Britain's top bosses: THEIR average salary hits £2.7m while the UK's average
Friday, October 28, 2011
Bangkok Under Water
I lost count of how many times I've been to Thailand years ago. It's been one of my favorite countries for decades and-- aside from specific Thailand trips-- any time I go to Asia, I always try to spend at least a week in Bangkok or Phuket or Chiang Mai. A few weeks ago we saw how there is a big threat of flooding and of Bangkok sinking into the sea, but we looked at predictions that Bangkok would be underwater by 2030. Looks like the timetable got moved up by two decades!
Severe flooding in Thailand on Friday threatened central areas of Bangkok, a bustling capital barely above sea level and facing inundation at the next high tide predicted at 13 feet.
Residents who decided to stay in their homes despite government pleas to get out waited anxiously to see if the highest tide, forecast for Saturday afternoon, would overwhelm defenses along the Chao Phraya River and its many canals.
Bangkok's outer suburbs were already submerged but the central city had been largely spared the misery Thailand has been suffering for months in the nation's worst flooding since 1942.
...The high tide Saturday, the Red Cross said, will put "extreme pressure" on Bangkok's elaborate system of dikes and other flood defenses.
Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra ordered work crews Friday to cut channels in roadways to allow faster water drainage, according to the state-run MCOT news agency. But the plan was rejected late in the day in favor of dredging canals and using pumps, the Bangkok Post reported.
Health concerns were rising with the water.
Bangkok residents waded through murky waters without knowing what lurked within, the risk of infection and communicable disease worrying health officials. The government sent out crocodile hunters after reports of crocodiles and snakes in the filthy floodwater.
"We were hearing disturbing reports of dangerous animals such as snakes and crocodiles appearing in the floodwaters and every day we see children playing in the water, bathing or wading through it trying to make their way to dry ground," said Annie Bodmer-Roy, spokeswoman for the humanitarian agency Save the Children.
With the Chao Phraya River overflowing its banks, virtually all the city's best hotels are having flooding problems and the old airport-- mostly used for domestic flights these days-- is also flooded. The main tourist areas (Silom and Sukhumvit) are having serious flooding problems. We're talking about a multi-billion dollar industry. Now we rent an apartment (on the river) when we're in Bangkok but one of the hotels we used to always stay at-- the Shangri-La-- reports that their 70-90% occupancy rate for this time of the year is now down to 30%.
UPDATE: Worst Flooding In Generations
Thais are making the best of it but... what else could they do? The flooding has gotten worse, both around Bangkok and in the city itself. Extensive damage to automotive parts factories, computer parts factories and a major pharmaceuticals center are starting to impact the worldwide supply chain, a quarter of the country's rice crop has been wiped out, and the death toll rises every day.
Thousands of people in Thailand have been living in filthy floodwater for some three months-- the most devastating flood the country has seen in decades caused by unusually heavy monsoon rains. More than 400 people have died in the Thailand floods, and hundreds of thousands have fled their homes.
As a protracted battle to stay dry unfolds until the massive pool of stinking water and garbage drains into the Gulf of Thailand, which could take months still, even simple things like disposing of human waste can become complicated.
Tourism is the only thing that's dried up in Bangkok and now it's beginning to impact Phuket and other tourist areas in the southern part of the country. And things could well get worse.
Advertising of Casino di Venezia
Advertising of Casino di Venezia
David Cameron to St Pauls Occupy 'Go home, you are an embarrassment.'
"I'm very concerned about the continuation of this protest meaning that St Paul's is not open to the public," Cameron told reporters in Perth on the sidelines of a Commonwealth leaders' summit.
"It's a key national site, it's a key tourist site. It's very important in the whole history, psyche of our country... I think the pressure is on to try and deal with this and deal with this
Rev Fraser Dyer 'Why I am resigning from St Pauls'
You say 'cut back', we say 'liberation theology'
Dear Bishop Michael,
I appreciate what a difficult couple of weeks the Dean and Chapter have had following the occupation of the cathedral precinct by protestors campaigning against corporate greed. You have been much in my thoughts and prayers as you have navigated the complex issues with which you have been presented, and the
Lessig and Zirin debate occupy!
Lawrence Lessig's original article:
Something More Than Polarization
Dave Zirin's response:
Memo to Lawrence Lessig: The Tea Party Is No Answer for Occupy USA
Lessig's response to Zirin:
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Screenshots from MMORG game Club Penguin
Impossible tree
Impossible tree
by Jordan Rogers
Beforetime people
Our descendants will view us as 'beforetime people' who despoiled the earth before respect for the land, sea and life was restored.
At Maizab Kaur (Bramble Cay) in the Torres Straits, it is believed that the 'beforetime people' over fished the turtles and over exploited the sea birds.
New rules were established to protect the turtles and the sea birds.
The ecological crisis is a
Deep Green Resistance 'Occupy the Machine – Stop the 1%, Literally'
Deep Green Resistance is not my way of thinking however the letter is worth a read!
Occupy the Machine – Stop the 1%, Literally
Our Bodies Will Be Our Demand
Open Letter to the Occupy Movement
The Occupy Movement is beautiful. We support it and though we are
small, we are participating all over the country. We invite all
occupiers to read, give feedback, and if you feel moved to do so
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Mumia Abu-Jamal 'The Occupation' 'like vampires at blood bank'
Mumia Abu-Jamal 'The Occupation'
In Lower Manhattan’s Zucotti Park (renamed ‘Liberty Square’ by the demonstrators), the cast of thousands swell in rebellion against the betrayals by the banks, Wall street’s relentless greed, the plague of joblessness and the craven servility of the political class–both Republicans and Democrats–to their moneyed masters.
In short, the central focus of their
Impossible ring with intersecting objects
Impossible ring with intersecting objects
by William Dudziak
America cops break up Occupy Oakland with violence.
USA is run for 0.1%
On Tuesday evening at 5pm Occupy Oakland gathered at the foot of the Oakland Library on 14th Avenue before setting off on a march past the jail and onward to Frank Ogawa Plaza. The peaceful gathering swelled as it marched through downtown, growing upwards of 1,000 people strong. Along their route were police from 17
St Pauls who received £40m puts money before faith
Even I was shocked. Protest is always framed negatively. The media has echoed the claim that St Pauls is losing revenue from the occupy protest.
This will be used no doubt to legitimate the cops going in with the usual violence.
Yet its clear that the occupy protest is not blocking the steps to St Pauls and if anything with lots of people coming to look, it might even raise visits.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Artworks by Grace Marty
COP17 is a big meeting where representatives from capitalist governments will talk about how to stop climate change without disturbing the operation of the capitalist system. Indeed, there is evidence that one of the main agendas in Durban – come December – will be the attempt to make
Green the factories the Lucas way!
Limited Seating FREE ADMISSION***
Screening & Panel Discussion:
“We Have Always Done It This Way”
Congress House, Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3LS
Tuesday 22 November 2011, 5.30 – 8.30pm
Please register: / 020 7467 1220
You know the media stereotype; a unionised workforce, portrayed as living in the past, is threatened with large scale redundancies and it
Monday, October 24, 2011
Artworks by Andrew Friedman
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Three artworks by Jens Malmgren
Cover of album by John Pantry
Cover of the secong vinyl album "Nothing is impossible" by John Pantry
A World of Time
A World of Time
by Lawrence Hickman
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Darren Doherty permaculture tour!
Currently on tour in Europe, Australian Permaculturist
Darren Doherty is a foremost authority on water harvesting
and soil regeneration in large-scale landscapes.
Time: October 23, 2011 from 6:30pm to 9:30pm
Location: Biodynamic Agricultural College, Emerson
Organized By: Belinda 07957 450 681 or Nir 0781 503 5262
Event Description:
Farming for the Future
Permaculture, Community and
UCATT election for General Secretary: Financial appeal: Friends of Mick Dooley
Just got this from my good comrade Jerry Hicks, spread the word!
I know times are very difficult and things are tight, but please take a look at this finacial appeal and consider making a donation. Also, please forward on to those who you consider would have an interest and that may be sympathetic to the request.
UCATT election for General Secretary: Financial appeal: Friends of Mick
Friday, October 21, 2011
Sign Caroline Lucas's petition for tax justice
Created by:Caroline LucasTAX JUSTICEResponsible department: Her Majesty's TreasuryWe applaud campaigns by trade unions, church groups, and civil society demanding tax justice and join them in calling on the Government to take action to identify those avoiding and evading tax. Firstly, the Chancellor should force all
by Irina Kuznetsova
Belvedere by V. Chistyakov
by V. Chistyakov
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Tattoo with impossible cube
Tattoo by Timothy B. Boor
New Scandal hits the Met as officer lied under oath
“Words fail me” says Jenny as another police scandal unfurls
Jenny Jones, Green Party candidate for Mayor of London and a member of the London Assembly who sits on the MPA, demanded answers as to how a police officer could take part in a trial under a false name. “Words fail me” says Jenny. “This is extremely serious as senior officers must have known Det. Con Jim Boyling was lying under
Caroline Lucas 'Early day motion 2265: SUPER-STRENGTH WHITE CIDER'
GOVERNMENT MUST ACT TO CURB BRITAIN'S DRINK PROBLEM- MP campaign to target availability of cut price alcohol and protect local pubsThe Government must overhaul its "ineffective and incoherent" policy on alcohol if it is to get to grips with the UK's drink problem, reduce the long term social and health impacts of alcohol, and protect the hospitality trade, said the Green MP today.Caroline Lucas,
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Don't stop
Advertising image of Snickers
by Frank Skullboy
by Angelika Plynova
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
by Andreas Aronsson
Illusionary architecture
Illusionary architecture
by Thomas de Bos
Jill Stein will launch her Presidential Campaign, can she beat Obama?
have not got a hold on the ins and outs of who is going for the Presidency at present but Howie, who sent me this, is a fantastic guy, ha I really want Elinor Ostrom to go for it! Any how if you are in Boston take a look, I backed Cynthia last time really lovely human being not like a US politician!
Jill Stein for President Media Advisory
Jill Stein will launch her Presidential
We Are Revolting! 40 years of queer activism
LBGT rights are human rights, looks like a good event, spread the word.
Saturday 22nd October 2011
Bishopsgate Institute
The Lesbian and Gay Newsmedia Archive (LAGNA) is holding a free event to acknowledge and commemoratethe unsung heroes and heroines of LGBT activism, protest and cultural resistance over the last four decades.
Speakers include:
Dr Matt Cook
Monday, October 17, 2011
Relativity by Sergey Ivakhnenko
Escher's Relativity
by Sergey Ivakhnenko
Images by George L. gregory
Caroline Lucas camps at occupylsx protest
The Occupy London Stock Exchange protest has entered its third day today, with a number of activists having established a tented encampment outside St Paul's Cathedral in the City.
Pavilion MP and Green party leader, Caroline Lucas, is planning to visit the camp later today. She commented:
"As awareness increases of the injustice and unsustainability of the global economic system, more and
Sunday, October 16, 2011
#OccupyLSX initial statement
Posted on October 16, 2011 by occupylsx
At today’s assembly on the steps of St Paul’s, #occupylsx agreed the initial statement below. Please note, it’s a draft statement at this stage and it will always be a work in progress.
1 The current system is unsustainable. It is undemocratic and unjust. We need alternatives; this is where we work towards them.
2 We are of all ethnicities,
‘A Poetic Concept of Identity’: An Interview with Mapuche Poet David Aniñir Guilitraro (Ramona Wadi/Upside Down World)
[The culture of Mapuche poetry has evolved into three distinctive forms: traditional, intellectual and urban. David Aniñir Guilitraro, an urban Mapuche poet from Santiago, has created a literary realm which connects the history of the Mapuche struggle to the social problems which the people face today. Guilitraro describes his book, Mapurbe, as ‘a poetic concept of
Prison? A film by Charlie Ryder followed by Q&A
23 October · 18:00 - 21:00
King Square Art Space
12 - 13 King Square, BS2 8JX
Bristol, United Kingdom
More info
In October 1993 Charlie Ryder took part in a violent protest to shut down the BNP headquarters in Welling South East London. Two months later he was featured on crime monthly a program which appealed for some of Britain's most
WWF to war against indigenous in India?
India is the subject of huge battles.
All of those of us who support indigenous and respect nature are pleased that new forest laws restore commons.
However in practice the commons is still being eroded.
A recent change has seen commons extended for forests across the whole of India.
But there is a worry that groups like the WWF will attack commons rights as a means of 'conservation'.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
'Jesus had two dads and he turned out fine'
This amused me. I am big on this, religious prophets or messiahs or however you term, them seem to have been rather chilled about sexual morality, happy to admit we are varied and flawed.
They were rather less chilled about injustice, war, cruelty and hatred.
Too often for their more 'fundamentalist' followers, it is the other way around.
War is holy and gay sex is evil. In fact all
Ascending and Descending
Computer version of Ascending and Descending
by Dustin Andrew
'Sad Affair' Marxman
Marxman superb.
Think Britain is a democracy with free speech, this track was banned by the BBC in 1993, acid test for the left in Britain is the memory of Ireland and imperialism
Once upon a time there wasIrish ways and irish lawsVillages of irish bloodwaking to the morning goodBut england and her soldiers camestarted centuries of shameRaped our women stole our graincalled this land a
Feed the world without destroying planet!
Feed the world without destroying the planet
A seminar on food sovereignty
November 12, 11-5.30Registration 10.30.
University of London Union, Malet Street, London WC1
Organised by Socialist Resistance and Green Left
Agenda11- 1.30 Introductory plenary 1.30-2.30 Lunch2.30-4.00 WorkshopsWomen and Food
Life's confusing boxes
Life's confusing boxes
by Monique Martin
Friday, October 14, 2011
Artworks by Dmitry Oskes
My girlfriend
Lets The Good Times Roll
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Dale Farm: Common sense should prevail says Green Party
The Green Party is disappointed at the announcement that the eviction at Dale Farm should go ahead despite the ten years of wrangling over the site and the apparent refusal of Basildon Council to find alternative sites.
The Homes and Communities Agency have offered alternative land in Basildon, subject to planning permission but Basildon Council will not halt the eviction until the
Sky Castle
Sky Castle
by Alex Kuranov
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Give Wall Street back to the indigenous!
Why I Am Occupying Wall Street
By John BirdOctober 11, 2011
I feel like I have been waiting for this moment an entire lifetime. More like a hundred lifetimes when I count the 500 years and lifetimes of all our indigenous ancestors who went to their graves wondering if justice would ever again prevail on Turtle Island.
My great grandfather Heavy Runner (Blackfeet) must have gone
Impossible figure in water
impossible figure in water by unknown artist
Escher's Belvedere and The Ghost City
Escher's Belvedere and The Ghost City
by Alexey Nazarov
Indigenous resistance event SOAS friday!
Those who talk socialism and ecology without supporting workers and indigneous speak in silence!
Workers and indigenous to power!
José María Arguedas is the Peruvian indigenous writer, 100th anniversary, indigenous in Peru are the vanguard of the life and death struggle against capitalism and for an ecological society!
Slavoj Žižek at Occupy Wall Street ' The only sense in which we are Communists is that we care for the commons'
Žižek judges this well.
He is a kind of stand up Marxist, rhetoric, flourish, no action, nonetheless this is all worth saying.
Lol is he still going out with Lady Gaga, she is LGBT fantastic, bit single issue but unlike Žižek , she does the job consistently, I salute her.
Slavoj Žižek visited Liberty Plaza to speak to Occupy Wall Street protesters. Here is the full transcript of his speech
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Sparks resist 35% pay cut
From one of my Green Left comrades, spread the word, do the solidarity.
Sparks De-Skilling And Pay Dispute Ballot Or No Ballot All Out To Defend Our Future
A sometimes angry and consistently passionate meeting of over 100 electricians, or sparks as they are known in the trade, took place at Conway hall central London tonight to discuss future tactics in their struggle against
Vote Mick Dooley, working class hero!
I am backing Mick Dooley the left candidate for General Secretary of UCATT.
No Ecology without socialism and no socialism without trade union struggles and victories.
Great Mick name checks The Ragged Trousered Philanthropist, on the video (see above) a classic novel also a classic socialist novel about a building worker.
My friend and comrade Jerry Hicks sent me details of how you can
Images by Popgriffon
Monday, October 10, 2011
Community and corporation meeting, Bolivar Hall, 20 October · 19:30 - 22:00
20 October · 19:30 - 22:00
Location Bolivar Hall
54-56 Grafton Way
Communities around the world are having their traditions and livelihoods threatened by the pressures of modern industry. This evening of short films looks at the impact of mining across Latin
Sunday, October 9, 2011
British government funds land seizures in Orissa
Land seizures occur every day, peasants are killed for their land.
The British always support the thieves. Mafia governments who steal the land act in concert with the wealthy and imperial powers.
The Korean firm Posco is taking land from peasants in Orissa, the British government has poured money into Orissa to support such 'development'.
The Department of International Development (DFID
Peter Tatchell challenges 'an economic dictatorship'
One significant factor in the economic meltdown of the last three years is the undemocratic and unaccountable way in which economic power and decision-making is organised. A small elite of directors, managers and major shareholders decide everything, to the exclusion of employees, consumers and the wider public.
Britain is, in effect, an economic dictatorship, with an extraordinary
Has a Bath based scientist abolished capitalism?
Not quite but the future is on its way.
Dr Adrian Bowyer heads a project to make 'means of production; common pool property (and I don't need to spell out what this means).
3 D printers can make things we want open source.
Community production of everything is possible, make goods to last and wealth can flow without trashing the planet.
Without being totally technologically deterministic
Artworks by Richard L. Matteson Jr.
Anamorphic images by Bartek Hlawka
endless staircase,
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Sex Tourism-- Philippines... And Jamaica: Unrestrained Capitalism Taken To The Extreme

Snow means Sweden
One of my friends has taken to fantasizing out loud about "Swedish girls." He should just go get a dvd; I'm sure there are scores of them on the topic. Instead he keeps asking me about planning a trip with him to Sweden. I should probably tell him that since 1999 it's been illegal to hire a prostitute in Sweden-- and that 10 years later Norway adopted the same approach. It's not illegal for the prostitutes to offer their services... it's illegal for the johns to buy them though (the Kvinnofrid law... try the Google). Brothels are also illegal. I suggested he take his fantasies to Bangkok. I don't know if they have Swedish girls in the brothels-- Roland tells me there are foreign girls working there these days-- but I suspect that if you have enough money to spend, you can get whatever you'd like there... kind of a Randian Republican dream market. Alas, he's programmed against Asian women. Plenty of Caucasians aren't. Asian sex tourism is rampant.
The other day the U.S. Ambassador to the Phillipines, Harry Thomas, was forced to apologize to the whole nation after claiming that 40% of male tourists to that country are there for the sex. He sent a cellphone text Friday to Philippine Foreign Secretary Albert del Rosario, who was on a visit to Vietnam, expressing regret for his comments.
"I should not have used the 40% statistic without the ability to back it up. I regret any harm that I may have caused," Thomas said in the text message, which was released to journalists.
The US embassy spokeswoman Tina Malone said Thomas "offered his deep regret" for his comment made during a conference last month.
The US would continue to be a "strong and dedicated partner of the Filipino people in combating the global scourges of human trafficking and sexual tourism," she added.
Thomas also told the conference on human trafficking in the Philippines last month that the sex tourists included Americans and that it was "something I'm not proud of." He urged Philippine authorities to prosecute all foreign sex tourists, including Americans.
The Philippines is trying to revive its tourism industry and erase its reputation as a sex tourism hotspot.
Wikileaks had posted several U.S. diplomatic cables about the rampant sex trade industry-- including the exploitation of children-- in the Philippines. "Sex tourists reportedly came from Asia, Europe, North America, and Australia to engage in sexual activity with minors," said a leaked embassy cable dated February 17, 2010... "In 2009, the Bureau of Immigration deported two foreign sex offenders and pedophiles, and in a joint program with the Australian Federal Police denied entry to 19 Australian sex offenders upon their arrival in the Philippines. The government also cooperated with the US in prosecuting American nationals under the terms of the U.S. PROTECT Act of 2003, which criminalized the commission of child abuse by American nationals overseas, including child pornography and other sexual offenses against a minor." Another leaked cable named Sabang Beach in Puerto Galeraand the province of Mindoro Oriental as well known destinations for sex tourism.
Trafficking of Philippine women and children for sex is an international business. And according to Rene Ofreneo, a former Philippine labor undersecretary and an expert on the sex trade, "the number of prostituted persons in the Philippines is about the size of the country's manufacturing workforce." That same report cites a recent study that showed there are about 75,000 children, who were forced into prostitution due to poverty. The Washington Times reported that "Teen-age girls are being forced into prostitution due to the Asian economic crisis. In Davao City, the Philippines, there are more than 1,000 prostituted teen-age girls; customers pay as little as from 50 cents to $2.50. This rise in prostitution increases the spread of AIDS, especially as contraceptive costs have gone up with the currency collapse and bankrupt government cuts in distribution programs." Most of the customers are Filipinos but the country is one of the top destinations for pedophile sex tourism, much of it financed with Japanese capital.
A Philippine Adventure Tour costs $1,645, including round trip airfare, hotel accommodations and guided tours to the bars where men purchase sex from prostitutes for as little as US $24. Tour owner and operator Allan Gaynor promises that customers "never sleep alone on this tour" and recommends that the customer have sex with a different girl every day "two if you can handle it."
...13,000 Australians, second in number to Americans, a year visit Angeles City, a center of prostitution surrounding the former Clark U.S. Air Force base in the Philippines... Men from Australia and Great Britain are primary suspects as perpetrators of child prostitution in the Philippines. Two of the three-pedophilia cases recently decided by Philippine courts involved British nationals, although there are reportedly more Australian suspects.
Maybe this is where Ambassador Thomas got his statistics:
Maybe while hubby's away exploiting child prostitutes in southeast Asia, his wife is off on a little sex tourism of her own though:
Construction of numbers and letters
Construction of numbers and letters
by Ineke Disveld
Cover of school magazine Plenum
Impossible castle
Impossible castle
by Nuccio Garilli
'Dress up in scrubs and perform an operation' SAVE NHS
The NHS is target number one.
It works so it must be destroyed, while it exists and we are cured, it is a practical example of socialism.
The fanatics from the orange book group who have taken the Liberal Democrats are pledged to kill it, together with their Conservative Party allies.
If we don't fight them it will be destroyed.
Everything is for sale because marketisation benefits an
Friday, October 7, 2011
Paradox typeface
Paradox typeface by Luke Klenske
Impossible things
Impossible things
by Fabiano Coelho
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Caroline Lucas says lets paint Mervyn King green with eco monetaryeasing
Responding to the news today that the Bank of England is to inject a further £75bn into the economy through quantitative easing, Green MP Caroline Lucas (Brighton Pavilion) said:
"While it's clear that quantitative easing is one of the only options left to get our ailing economy off its knees, the Bank of England's decision to usher in £75bn worth of unregulated QE is problematic. Unless we
Michael Albert on Venezuela in London on Monday
Dear all
Michael Albert, co-editor of ZNet, and co-editor and co-founder of Z
Magazine, has written extensively on participatory democracy and
socialism, and also on the Bolivarian revolution. Hands Off Venezuela has
invited to him reflect on the movements attempting to build a
participatory form of socialism - socialism of the 21st century - in
Venezuela and across Latin America, with Q&A
10 new figures in the Figures Library
10 new figures were appended to the Figures library. From now it contains 810 different impossible figures.
Archway to Impossibility
Archway to Impossibility
by Soob
Impossible triangle in space
Impossible triangle in space
by Dizaster156
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Veteran revolutionary leader Hugo Blanco says back 'Occupy Wall Street'
This is the editorial from 'Lucha Indigena' the newspaper 'Indigenous Struggle' published by the veteran indigenous leader Hugo Blanco.
Hugo is a friend and a mentor, he has even stayed with me here in Winkfield!
In the 1960s when he was a member of the Fourth International he led a succesful peasant revolution in Peru which gained land rights.
No dogmatist he maintains relations with a
Police move to intimidate sparks' rally
Wednesday 05 October 2011
by John Millington in central London 10380
Heavy-handed police disrupted a peaceful electricians' protest in central London today over pay and conditions.
The police tore down banners and Unite union flags, attempting to force the 200-strong protest off the road.
The electricians'
The Left: Inept or unwilling?
Political theory has too often proved a battering ram for the right, sophisticated theory is good, doubt is good but there has been during the 1990s onwards an intellectual assault on political activity.
Ethics has left the world inflames.
This from Jodi Dean's excellent blog expresses the problem more clearly than I can.
Inept or unwilling?
I've been wondering about the problem of
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Occupy the City of London, Oct 15th
OCCUPATION START: Saturday, October 15th!! (Location to be confirmed)
15 October at 16:30 - 12 December at 11:00
London Stock Exchange
10 Paternoster Square
London, United Kingdo
Facebook page: @OccupyLSX ( #OccupyLSX #OccupyLondon
The present economic set up sells old peoples
Advertising images of design studio Macacolandia from Brazil.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Traveling While Non-White

A fascinating series of question-- and responses-- were posted in Reddit's travel section recently. The correspondant, who describes himself or herself as an ethnic Chinese who grew up in the U.S., is trying to figure out if it's better to travel abroad as a Chinese or an American citizen. I recall the brisk business in little Canadian flags that American travelers used to sew on their backpacks and jackets at one time-- mostly when there were especially hated and warlike American presidents like Nixon, Reagan and Bush. I'm not sure how far Obama has moved in that direction.
The questions, though, aren't just about Chinese people, not by a long shot.
I'm wondering if non-white travelers face additional challenges while traveling, whether it's racism, unwanted attention, unexpected assumptions by the locals, etc.
For instance:
• What kind of discrimination would non-white travelers face in overwhelmingly white countries like Poland or Russia?
• Are blacks able to blend in while visiting Africa? How about Latinos in Latin America and the Caribbean?
• Are Asians subject to the vicious inter-Asian rivalries while traveling in Asian countries? Do the locals try in vain to converse in their native language?
• Are Indians treated well in Pakistan and vice versa? Do Arabs or Iranians get refused service in Israel?
And, of course, it's the 100+ responses that make the link above worth clicking. No matter what race you are, you'll find these shared experiences worthwhile.
SAVE HEATHERWOOD HOSPITAL! March and Rally, Sat Oct 8th at 11am, Ascot
East Berkshire Green Party is pledging its support publicly for the growing campaign to keep Heatherwood hospital open, initiated by the group Windsor and Slough against The Cuts (WSATC) and groups in Bracknell such as Defend Our Community Services (DOCS). A major march and rally is being held in Ascot this coming Sat, Oct 8, 11am, starting at Ascot Racecourse car park 6 on the High Street.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Impossible object by Sam Gordon
Impossible object
by Sam Gordon
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Cusco-- A Video Tour

Incredible food, profound culture, friendly people, mysteriously impressive history and... free alcohol. Where can you go to find this? Peru. Roland loved it; I missed it but I've been assured that when considering travel plans, Peru and the city of Cusco, in particular, offers something for everyone (not to mention that it's quite affordable). Everything from camping, hiking, bungee jumping, paragliding, fine wine, excellent food and mind boggling scenery can be explored all within a 100 mile span.
If the short blurb above hasn't convinced you, take a peak at this online web-series I've discovered that sets the pace as two young American travelers set forth to explore, the ancient imperial city of the Incas, the town of Cusco. Explore22 is an online travel series from San Francisco's BaseStudio, geared towards all audiences with a focus on helping, discovering and exploring unique communities. You can begin your journey with part 1 of this 4 part web series.
Images of impossible figures in game Minecraft
Odebrecht blocked by National Parks office from attacking Peruvian Amazon
The Central Ashaninka of the Ene River - part of the CARE and AIDESEP federations, have noted that SERNAP (the office for protection of National Parks) have written to the Directorate of Electricity Ministry of Energy and Mines to reject the award of indigenous land to the (Brazillian energy corporation) Odebrecht.
This judgement is made on the basis of articles 11 and 202 of Law No.27444
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