Friday, August 31, 2012

Resistance to ATOS (video

The Conservatives and Lib Dems are attacking those with disabilities just as the paralympics celebrates their achievements.

All the money the government save from driving those with disabilities into poverty helps with their tax cuts for corporations.

I wonder whether Nick Clegg offers to push people in wheel chairs and then propels them into the local canal?

Its shocking to be in Con Dem

Roger Penrose

Caricature on Roger Penrose  

by Eric Scala  

Author -

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Impossible waterfall

Impossible waterfall  

by Jochem Drost  (jodroboxes)  

Author -  

Penrose fractal

Penrose fractal  

by Marius Roosendaal  

Author -

Venezuelan Presidential election film

A group of British socialists are planning to make a film of the Venezuelan Presidential election in October.

Hugo Chavez looks is if he will win but the US government continue to try to destabalise Latin American governments and the mainstream media tend rather than looking at the real strengths and weaknesses of the left in Venezuela to follow the line of the established powers.


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Circular Reasoning

Circular Reasoning  

by Terrence Nowicki  

Author -

Monday, August 27, 2012

Urban Gadabout: Preview of a bountiful NYC fall gadding season

I'm taking the day off work to do the New York Transit Museum tour Squire Vickers, Subway Architect (Monday, October 15, 3-5pm), which features New York City Transit's chief architect, Judith Kunoff, who was gangbusters on NYTM's tour of the beautifully renovated landmark Avenue H and nearby stations on Brooklyn's Brighton Line.

by Ken

In case anyone was wondering, I've had an incredibly busy and rewarding summer gadding season, which for assorted reasons I haven't been moved to write about. Then, with fall schedules piling up, I had the clever idea of combining some highlights of the season with some look-ahead info. Only I'm still disinclined to write about it, and meanwhile the clock is ticking on more and more of the info, so I think we'd better just get on with it, starting with the New York Transit Museum, since the start of general registration is . . . yikes, tomorrow!

Fall tours, September-December
Early registration for members in progress
General registration begins AUGUST 28

Already many of the most sought-after tours will be booked up from the members-only early-registration period, not to mention the tours (of the old City Hall subway station and the ghost site of the old underground trolley terminal at the Manhattan end of the Williamsburg Bridge) that are members-only -- by themselves excellent reasons to become a member, as I keep pointing out, though there are others, like free admission to the museum and major discounts on all the tours and at the museum shop.

Check out the Transit Museum calendar here. It includes not just the fall tours but the Transit Museum's fall educational programs, many of which are free!

Fall tours, September-December
Registration in progress

I thought I would do some highlighting of the highlight-filled fall season, but there are so many highlights (I personally have registered for so many tours that I'd be embarrassed to tell you how many) that I would just encourage you to check out the listings for yourself (click on "Tours"). Remember that advance registration is now required for all tours; I think the online registration system is working out pretty well. Considering the quality of the tours, the asking price of $15 for members, $20 for nonmembers, is a pittance.

Northern Manhattan: Washington Heights, Inwood, Marble Hill
by Northern Manhattan historian James Renner

Fall tours, September-October
No advance registration (pay at tour)

All tours are Sunday at 12 noon; $15 for adults, $10 for seniors and students; no reservations necessary. Since Jim's schedule isn't available online otherwise, I've posted the whole thing with his full descriptions here. In brief:

MARBLE HILL (the part of Manhattan that was joined to the Bronx when the Harlem River was rerouted)
DATE: September 2, 2012
MEET: 225th Street and Broadway in front of Chase Bank

TUBBY HOOK (Dyckman Street, Riverside Drive and Broadway)
DATE: September 9, 2012
MEET: Northwest corner of Dyckman Street and Broadway

FORT GEORGE (190th to 193rd Amsterdam and Audubon Avenues)
DATE: September 23, 2012
MEET: Northeast corner of 190th Street and Audubon Avenue

DATE: September 30, 2012
MEET: Entrance of IRT #1 Dyckman Street Station

COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER (165th to 168th Broadway to Haven Avenue)
DATE: October 14, 2012
MEET: Southwest corner of 168th Street and Broadway

DATE: October 21, 2012
MEET: 181st Street and Fort Washington Avenue, northwest corner

WHAT'S OUT THERE WEEKEND NYC (WOTW, from The Cultural Landscape Foundation)
Weekend of October 6-7

Registration for WOTW in progress, information for OHNY still to be published in the Sept. 26 issue of Time Out New York

WOTW has an absolutely sensational list of tours for this NYC version of its What's Out There Weekend, which I should have told you about sooner, because I'm told registration has been exceedingly brisk -- hardly surprising considering the range and degree of interest of the offerings, even apart from the price, which is $00. (Yes, that's zero.)
TCLF invites you to explore and discover the Big Apple during What’s Out There Weekend NYC, featuring a series of FREE expert guided tours highlighting the city’s remarkable landscape legacy. During the weekend, members of the public can visit more than two-dozen different sites around the city.
Check out the listings here, or just register here.

But wouldn't you know that WOTW NYC falls in the exact same weekend as one of the city's most cherished gadding institutions, the also-free Open House New York? OHNY will feature a much larger and even more diverse roster of events -- as soon as the listings become available. And you can be sure that as soon as they do, within seconds the dozen or two events that everyone wants to do will be booked up. Fortunately, the listings are likely to feature an assortment of events at least as interesting, or actually more interesting, that will appeal to gadders of quirkier tastes.

It's important, then, that as soon as you see an OHNY event listing that appeals to you, you pounce on it. Myself, I'm out of the running for 2012, having filled up my gadding card for that weekend with WOTW NYC events I couldn't resist (in all four outer boroughs, though not technically, since my Staten Island walk, around St. George, although originally announced as a WOTW event in conjunction with MAS, became a strictly MAS tour, whereupon I happily plunked down my $15).

For public tour info, or to sign up for Jack's e-mail list for announcements of scheduled events, go here

By now I've written so often about Jack that you can probably recite the litany on your own. As an "urban geographer," Jack is fascinated by how geographic factors (including topography, water and land access, transportation, and demography) shape the way cities -- or anyplace else -- develop, all illustrated before your very eyes. Nobody has done more to enable me to see neighborhoods and regions as living entities that develop for specific reasons, and I've hardly ever come away from a tour with Jack without some fundamental new understanding of the city -- not to mention all sorts of fascinating information about the area covered, including restaurant tips. It's a good bet that on any tour with Jack you're going to see places and things you won't see on any other tour.

Jack has four tours in the MAS fall season:

Renaissance in Newtown Creek (Saturday, September 29, 1-3pm)
Corona (Queens) Circuit (Monday, October 8, Columbus Day, 11am-1pm)
Public Housing’s Fertile Crescent (Thanksgiving Friday, November 23, 11am-1pm)
Keeping Off Midtown Streets (East Side): Grand Central Terminal to Bloomingdales [Jack also does a West Side version] (Saturday, December 29, 11am-1pm)

Undoubtedly he'll be scheduling other tours and perhaps other events, which is why it's so important to sign up for his mailing list, which anyone else would call a newsletter, except that Jack's contains real news. It is, for example, how I found out about the blockbuster of NYC's fall gadding season, a counterpart to his not-to-miss World of the #7 Train:
Sunday, October 21, 10am-5:30pm

This series of six walks and connecting rides is astride the colonial route between Brooklyn and Queens. We focus on what the J train has done to and for surrounding neighborhoods since it began service (in part) in1888. Walks take place in Highland Park, Richmond Hill, downtown Jamaica, Bushwick, South Williamsburg and the Lower East Side. Tour fee is $39 and you need to preregister by check to Jack Eichenbaum, 36-20 Bowne St. #6C, Flushing, NY 11354 (include name, phone and email address). The full day’s program, registration coupon and other info is available by email The tour is limited to 25 people. Don’t get left out! Registration is proceeding briskly.

Jack hasn't done this tour in eight years, and it's going to sell out. The only question is when, and why anyone would take a chance of being shut out is beyond me. (I handed my registration to Jack personally at the first tour I did with him after the official announcement of the J train extravaganza.)

You can also find the public tour schedule by going to the home page of Jack's website, The Geography of New York City with Jack Eichenbaum.

Women of the Oglala Lakota nation march against White Clay liquor store

Just got this from Intercontinental Cry do follow them

Photo: Deep Green Resistance
On August 26, women of the Oglala Lakota Nation stood alongside allies to send a message to the predatory liquor vendors in White Clay, Nebraska.

It wasn't long before the police came to rescue the

Liberties and Commons for All

I have been cracking on with my book about Elinor Ostrom so blogging less but this is a great piece from Peter Linebaugh on commons.Liberties and Commons for All

Weekend Edition August 24-26, 2012 
Preface to the Korean Edition of Magna Carta Manifesto 
Liberties and Commons for All

Of the aristocratic

Saturday, August 25, 2012


Confirmed TOMORROW - Sunday 26th 1pm!

ARCTIC SEA ICE IS CRASHING. To mark the breaking of the all time record minimum for arctic sea ice extent, we will meet outside Downing Street with a block of ice carved to represent an iceberg and, authorities willing, will hand in a letter to Number 10.

When you think that the actual minimum for this season is unlikely to be

Friday, August 24, 2012

Hugo Blanco ' the attacks on Zapatista communities are intensifying'

Peruvian campesino Leader asks #YoSoy132 to Support Zapatistas 

 ** The leader urges them to defend the “island of freedom” created by the EZLN

by: Hermann Bellinghausen

Hugo Blanco, campesino leader and director of the Peruvian publication Lucha Indígena (Indigenous Struggle), denouncedfrom
Peru “the real reasons and forces” that want to destroy what he calls
the “zone liberated from

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Penrose Planet

Penrose Planet  

by Steve Fraschini  

Author -

Monday, August 20, 2012

Puzzles with impossible figures

Puzzles by Chris Yates  

Author -

Slavoj Zizek on Pussy Riot

The True Blasphemy

Pussy Riot members accused of blasphemy and hatred of religion? The answer is easy: the true blasphemy is the state accusation itself, formulating as a crime of religious hatred something which was clearly a political act of protest against the ruling clique. Recall Brecht’s old quip

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Slowly I turn, step by step...

Slowly I turn, step by step...  

by Joe Heller  

Author -

Ecuadorian Embassy rally This Sunday, 13:00

CALL OUT: This Sunday, 13:00, Ecuadorian Embassy Ecuadorian Embassy- Fight US Imperialism in London!

Where Knightsbridge, behind Harrods THIS Sunday!Please come to London to support Assange! The Ecuadorian embassy has a 24 hour vigil. Please spread the word, online and to Latin Americans living in UK about the disgusting invasion of Ecuador's sovereign territory; 22:00 the previous night 8

Friday, August 17, 2012

Escher project

Escher Project  

by Jonty (urbanmonk)  

Author -

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Snake with impossible triangle

Snake with impossible triangle  

by Chris Brown

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Unite Political Summer School Belfast

Ireland has amazing green and socialist political traditions, although sometimes troubled ones, I have for example quite been quite critical of the Irish Greens coalition with Fianna Fail.

My friend and comrade Greg Sachno of Unite invited me over to take part in last years' Jimmy Brown lecture. It was a superb event and I was very pleased and humbled to be invited over.  Jimmy was a trade

Monday, August 13, 2012

Andean struggles links in English via Hugo Blanco

Just had these links from Hugo Blanco, gracias comrade!

Peru: Cajamarca dialogue nears collapse

Peru: more protests over mining, water

Peru: state of emergency extended in VRAE

Ecuador to export via north Peru pipeline

Colombia: UN calls for dialogue with

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Infographic as impossibility in its purest form

Infographic as impossibility in its purest form  

by Francesco Franchi  

Author -

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Back to Bed

Screenshots with impossible figures from surrealistic puzzle game Back to Bed.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Impossible star

Impossible star  

by Jamie Lahman (JmeLahman)  

Author -

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Derek Wall for International Coordinator (video and interview)

We posed questions to all the candidates for international coordinator. Here Derek Wall replies to our questions;

Could you tell us a little bit about yourself?

I am a writer and economics lecturer.  I live in the countryside in Berkshire and enjoy spending time with my girlfriend and children.  I am keen on cooking, gardening and reading.  I have plenty to occupy myself but since I was 14

Impossible Waterfall

Impossible Waterfall  

by Steven Rice  

Author -

Impossible shape

Impossible shape  

by Joshua Diliberto  

Artist -

Food Production and Nature: the Deadly Paradox of a Class-Riven Society

(just had this from Chris Williams, thanks Chris)

More than 50% of counties in the United States are now officially designated “disaster” zones.  The reason given in 90% of cases is due to the continent-wide drought that has been devastating crop production.  48% of the US corn crop is rated as “poor to very poor”, along with 37% of soy; 73% of cattle acreage is suffering drought, along

Triceptive Flower

Images by Ivan Doncevic  (webbugt)  

Author -

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Il Matto

Il Matto  

by whirling_dervish  

Artist -

Shuji Imamoto Supporting Message to Derek Wall

I am running for Green Party International Coordinator, do like my facebook site here

 If you are a Green Party member please vote for me!

Shuji ImamotoSupporting Message to Derek WallI made friends with Derek when we visited the autumn conference of Green Party in Lancaster, 2005.--- he personally

Friday, August 3, 2012

Logo with impossible waterfall

Escher inspired logo  

by Kurosaki7  

Author -

Who are the Green Leadership team for me?

Please share but if you do please retain the imprint. IMPRINT: 

Published and promoted by Tom Harris, 15 Doxey Road, Stafford, ST16 2EW, on behalf of Romayne Phoenix and Will Duckworth.

Romayne Phoenix and Will Duckworth              The Team for Green LeadershipDear Green Party friend,ballot papers for the most important internal election in our Party's history are now landing

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Artworks by Tristan Pauli

Impossible cities by Tristan Pauli  

Author -

GPEx International: Derek Wall

I am running for Green Party International Coordinator, do like my facebook site here

 If you are a Green Party member please vote for me, this an interview about what I hope to achieve if you elect me. 

We posed questions to all the candidates for international coordinator. Here Derek Wall