Thursday, August 28, 2008

CCTV Camera Paper Model

Hey just because you are paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you! What better way to make friends and family uncomfortable while visiting than by having a security camera in the corner of your living room? Even if it is a papercraft (they probably won't even know anyway).

Found via the always wonderful BoingBoing. You can grab the CCTV Camera model here

SD Gundam Papermodel

Another great looking super deformed Gundam for your collection, Gundam paper model lovers are truly spoilt by the amount of quality mobile suit models that have been created for free download!

Grab it here

Pyramid Head Papercraft

The Silent Hill series of games is without doubt the scariest group of games I have ever played, while other games try they never really come close to creating that sense of horror that the team at Konami has created successfully game after game. First appearing in Silent Hill 2 Pyramid Head has to be the most well known (and feared) antagonist in the games...

Anubis' Tomb has a nice pyramid head paper model to adorn your space which you can grab here.

Lemi the Space Wanderer Paper Model

Lemi the Space Wanderer is one damn cute little papercraft for your collection, go and grab him from Thunder Panda now before he wanders of to another planet :)

TV Series Papercraft

Created in the style of cubbeecraft (ie using the cubeecraft templates) this is a great collection of TV series characters for you to download, print and construct. It's a big list including 24, Alias, Boston Legal, Dexter, Heroes, House M.D., H.I.M.Y.M., Lost, Nip/Tuck, Numb3rs, Prison Break, Rescue Me, Scrubs, Smallville, The Shield and the X-Files. Tons of Papercraft!!

Grab them here

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Wireless Service Coming To Delta

I've often mentioned that Delta is the worst of all the awful domestic carriers. I try to avoid flying that airline when there is an alternative going to the same destination. I even stopped using my American Express card and using my Master Card instead, the former hooked up to Delta and the latter to the less venal American. It seems like all the news we get from the airline industry these days is bad news. Earlier in the week I wrote about the heinous, anti-democratic rich-people-to-the-front-of-the-line-please Fly Clear program. And we've all been experiencing how the airlines are nickeling and diming us all to death with fees for everything. I'm certain pay toilets on board are next-- and I'll bet Delta leads the way.

Still, to be fair, Delta is actually leading the way on something awesome for a change-- albeit a new way of squeezing more money out of travelers. According to today's Washington Post wireless Internet starts this fall! Actually it'll only be on 133 MD88/90 planes this fall. The rest of the fleet won't be ready 'til next summer. "The service will be available to customers for a flat fee of $9.95 on flights of three hours or less and $12.95 on flights of more than three hours."

UPDATE: Meanwhile, JetBlue Is Charging For A Pillow

I just saw a Jet Blue executive, CEO Jeff Barger, making the unique, if twisted, case that his company's decision to start charging $7 for a pillow and a blanket was a great bargain. Apparently those pillows and blankets we've all been using on planes were filthy and germ-ridden and only laundered every few weeks. The $7 ones are fresh and clean and you get to take it with you... if you have room in your costly checked luggage.

The new issue of Time points out that Southwest is the "one major airline that is bucking the trend of increasing fees... [and] still doesn't charge for checked bags (up to two), nonalcoholic drinks, blankets or making a change to your flight." On the other end of the spectrum, USAirways "broke new ground last week by starting to charge for all beverages: $2 for a soft drink (or even a bottle of water); $1 for coffee or tea. Checked bags cost $15 and $25; flight changes are $150."

Monday, August 4, 2008

Where on Earth will YOU vote?

I could have voted in Fez

Right now, as I mentioned, I'm planning a trip to Djenne, Mopti, le pays Dogon and Timbuktu; that's all Mali. And a lot of it is relatively inaccessible without a camel-- or, thankfully, a 4WD. I planned my trip after the election. If I wasn't actively working for some many candidates, I didn't have to. Voting from abroad is way easier now than it used to be when McCain was young and you had to vote with cuneiform. Cheap joke; but when I was around 20 I was living in Afghanistan and I had to ride a horse down from the mountains to vote in the U.S. Embassy in Kabul. It's a lot easier today.

This morning I got a message from an Obama-related group called VoteFromAbroad via Facebook. They lay out the simple steps of how you can vote from anywhere in the world... even Mali or Afghanistan. They even have a YouTube: