Monday, May 31, 2010

Norman Finkelstein on the massacre and future of Israel

Turkish Green Party statement on massacre

Israel's last crime against humanity targeted humanitarian aid activists! Pazartesi, 31 Mayýs 2010Istanbul, 31 May 2010 - We, as Turkish Greens, strongly condemn the deadly raid against the activists on their way to Gaza with humanitarian aid. Although not confirmed yet, there are widespread concern over the increasing number of deaths, which stood at 10 at the moment. Israeli army detained

Thousands demonstrate against Gaza massacre in London

Just been sent this by Theresa of Green Left, the video is from counterfire and is a speech by Lowkey, Britain's premier political rapperJust back from London demo, Shahrar (who read out Caroline's statement and gave a well-received speech) and hero of the day Mark D, who ensured at very short notice lots of Green Party placards were very visible. Andy H and I carried the GL banner. I'm sure

Green candidate Mockus will fight for every vote in round two of Colombian election

This is my approximation from facebook with google translate, you don't just need Spanish you need the context, some of which I don't have.....'Minga yes, no piñata.' well I know what this is hinting at and I know Pinata is the birthday thing you burst and Minga is mobilisation, but it is still a bit WTF....original hereToday we reached a goal that a few months ago seemed impossible to reach, to

Exploring Cape Town and the Winelands

-by Lindy Howard

If you're visiting Cape Town for the first time, you’re in for something completely different. This town that started off as an isolated supply post at the end of the world is now one of South Africa's largest, most colourful and thriving cities. Safaris, beautiful beaches, the winelands and a thriving metropolis can all be found fairly close to each other.

Victoria & Albert Waterfront

If you arrive by sea the first place you're likely to land is the Victoria and Alfred Waterfront, and that's as good a starting point as any.

The V&A is one of Cape Town's premier tourist and shopping districts, but it's not all for show. The surrounding port is still operative and you can watch the busy operations as you visit the V&A's hundreds of shops and cafes or the Two Oceans Aquarium.
Nelson Mandela Gateway & Robben Island

From the waterfront, you can head through the Nelson Mandela Gateway and board the ferry to Robben Island, where Mandela and many others spent years as political prisoners. And if a sea voyage is not on the agenda, take a stroll around and see Cape Town's iconic Cape Dutch architecture. It's an intriguing mixture of French, German, Dutch and British stylings unique to this part of the world.
The Cape Town Coastline

If aquatic pursuits are more your style, Cape Town's unique geography makes for an interesting day at the beach. The Atlantic waters to the west are substantially colder than the Indian Ocean to the east, and each one harbors different creatures. The Indian Ocean is perhaps better for diving and wildlife while the Atlantic coast has more developed residential areas and restaurants.

The Winelands

Ranging a bit further out can be rewarding as well. Within a short drive of Cape Town are the South African Winelands, a UNESCO recognized region where many exquisite wines are produced.

Whites, reds, German and French styles are all well represented here thanks to the region's rich colonial history and an extremely grape-friendly Mediterranean climate.

You can take one of many guided vineyard tours or set out on your own. Many visitors find that it's best to rent a car because public transit in Cape Town, while quite good by African standards, is still somewhat lacking. The Winelands spread out in a northeasterly direction from Cape Town and into the increasingly hilly terrain of the interior.

Constantia Valley, Franschhoek and Stellenbosch

Locals call this region the Boland, Afrikaans for "uplands." The Constantia valley region is home to some of the Winelands' oldest estates and poshest dining.
Go a little further and you'll find the origin of some of South Africa's best wines in the area around Stellenbosch, the oldest town in the country.  

The Franschhoek region was once settled by the French, and this small town still hosts more than thirty farms. Many of the vineyards of the Winelands have excellent restaurants on-site, and almost all of them offer tastings and cellar tours.

Salma Yaqoob says'Join with me to protest at Israel’s terrorist attack'

Councillor Salma’s statementMonday, 31 May 2010Join with me to protest at Israel’s terrorist attackThis murderous attack by the Israeli government on an aid convoy sailing in international waters is an act of state sponsored terrorism. It is also an attack on the entire international community. Over 700 people from 40 countries, 28 of whom are British, are taking part in the convoy.Israel acts

Caroline Lucas MP condemns Israeli attack on peace activists

If you are a Liberal Democrat contrast this with the silence of your leader, I could be wrong but I haven't heard anything from the current Labour leader Harriet Harman, time to join the Green Party if you care about peace and justice. Join hereThe Green Party Leader, Caroline Lucas MP, has called on the Government to condemn the actions of the Israeli troops in firing on a ship carrying

Gaza tells Israel 'collective punishment is a crime against humanity'

CALL FROM GAZA FOR GLOBAL RESPONSE TO KILLINGS ON THE FREEDOM FLOTILLAWe Gaza based Palestinian Civil Society Organizations and International activists call on the international community and civil society to pressure their governments and Israel to cease the abductions and killings in Israel’s attacks against the Gaza Freedom Flotilla sailing for Gaza, and begin a global response to hold Israel

Complain to BBC for justifying Gaza killings

Helen Boaden Director of BBC News; Horrocks Head of BBC TV News; Peter,I was disgusted that the BBC ran an interview with an Israeli representative justifying the killing of peace protestors this morning.It was shocking that no one from the Gaza peace convoy or representing them was allowed to speak.Is the BBC propaganda outfit

Protest 2pm Downing Street against killing of peace activists

In Manchester there is a protest at 5pm today at the BBC on Oxford Road called by Manchester Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC)Please tell everyone and get as many people there as you can[bbc website entry is below – no challenge at all as to why Israel should be allowed to commit piracy on the high seas – on BBC Radio 4 they again let the Israeli spokesperson Regev off the hook]There is a

Israelis kill twenty peace activists

The Israelis have stormed a peace convoy ship and killed twenty people.They have already been on the BBC lying enthusiastically about their actions.I wonder whether Mossad will be outside Palestine Solidarity Campaign meetings, shooting those who campaign for Gaza.Any opposition, even non violent, is terrorism for these people.Will the British government make any statement, no! Nick Clegg is

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Tragically looks like Mockus loses in Colombia more war, corruption, repression and biofuels in Colombia.

David Laws to resign as MP

Yep he is thinking of throwing the towel in as MP for Yeovil....I guess he could be the first MP to be kicked out if new rules come in to make MPs stand down over expenses issues, so now he is thinking of resigning not just as a minister but a member.Lets see what happens but he could be leaving politics, according to his resignation statement.Nice if we valued nurses, teachers, farmers rather

Cover of a book about art of Jos de Mey

Climate change denier tea party politician sues scientists over temperature data

'The University of Virginia should fight a witch-hunt by the state's attorney general [...] Kenneth Cuccinelli, a firebrand conservative who was elected late last year as attorney general of Virginia. The grants had multiple recipients, but the official target of the probe is Michael Mann, an internationally respected climate scientist who was an investigator on all five grants while working at

New artwork by Jos de Mey

Against Nature

Huysmans book 'Against Nature' is worth a read.Well more 'Against the Grain', Oscar Wilde with bad attitude, Beckett's Mr Knott in Watt and Vincent Price in Dr Phibes(see video above) all come to mind.A classic in which nothing happens. It has nothing to recommend it on the political plane, a tale of a decadent stewing in his own rich juices.Having said that where else would you find a sex scene

urgent protect Gaza flotilla under threat

Carole SwordsMay 30, 2010 at 12:29pmSubject: cut and paste and send it will only take 30 secondsPlease copy and paste this letter into an e mail....Then, copy and paste the various e mail addresses below the letter, and send it Respected Office,I write this letter to you with a real sense of danger which is

Ecosocialist congress in Switzerland

The Swiss ecosocialist party had their first national congress yesterday have a look at their facebook for more details, I am sure action on Islamaphobe is part of the package.Subject: Chers-ères amis-es de La Gauche, camarades,C'est avec un immense bonheur que je vous annonce officiellement la naissance de "La Gauche - Alternative Linke - La Sinistra".;

Saturday, May 29, 2010

David Laws partner worked for lobbyist

His partner James Lundie is a director with Edleman.Socialist Worker can reveal that this was among the seven receptions Edleman had at the House of Commons in a year and a half from 2004.On 7 September 2004 Laws hosted a dinner for 14 people in a plush Parliament dining room. The rather limited register of rooms bookings show that the dinner was to host representatives from Edelman.Edelman’s

The secret war

Socialist Resistance Meeting 'The secret war in Pakistan: Farooq Tariq LPP and Lindsey German StWC'The LPP has opposed the Musharaf military dictatorship, as well as American imperialism and religious fanaticism. Many of the LPP supporters were jailed under the Musharaf regime for demanding democratic rights or in the struggle for workers’ and peasants’ rights. The LLP has worked to maintain its

David Laws resigns, Chris Huhne to replace him at Treasury

David Laws, chief secretary to the Treasury, has resigned.This was over paying his partner over room rental.A bit sad, as a gay man he wanted to be private, which is fair enough.However inappropriate expenses is particularly inappropriate for a government axe man.I suspect he will be replaced by another (neo) liberal, keen to cut the public sector and feed all which is market based and

Six essential habits for effective climate deniers

* 1. Allege that there's a conspiracy. Claim that scientific consensus has arisen through collusion rather than the accumulation of evidence.* 2. Use fake experts to support your story. "Denial always starts with a cadre of pseudo-experts with some credentials that create a facade of credibility," says Seth Kalichman of the University of Connecticut.* 3. Cherry-pick the evidence: trumpet whatever

GPTU reiterates support for BA strikers

29/5/10GPTU reiterates support for BA strikersGPTU still supports British Airways cabin staffing their dispute.The threat by management to worsen their pay, their conditions and cut back on jobs is something which organised workers are right to resist. This is especially so in a climate where employers are mounting attacks on workers, if BA management get their way many other workers, in other

"I hate all white people. You are thieves and liars".

Saw this note about Sitting Bull on the BBC website today:In 1883, Sitting Bull was invited as guest of honour to address a celebration of the completion of the Northern Pacific Railway. Speaking in Sioux through a translator, his speech began: "I hate all white people. You are thieves and liars". The interpreter, taken by surprise, hastily improvised a string of flowery complements in English,

Friday, May 28, 2010

New Film 'Cuba: Defending Socialism, Resisting Imperialism'

'Cuba: Defending Socialism, Resisting Imperialism' is a new film about socialist activists from London who travel to Cuba during the 50th anniversary of the 1959 revolution.Its a celebration of Cuba's achievements but a thoughtful one, with interviews with a variety of Cubans including a Jehovah Witness working on an organic farm as his religion does not allow him to be in the military, a

Cuban scientist wins 'Green Nobel'

Pablo at Alborada sent me this.News: Cuban Researcher Receives the 'Green Nobel' Fri, 05/28/2010 - 11:13 — Anonymous Cuban Researcher Receives the 'Green Nobel' Friday 28th May 2010, by Cuba 50The representative of the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in Havana, Ana Maria Navarro, congratulated Cuban researcher Humberto Rios Labrada who last week became the first Cuban to receive the

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Sculptures by Erik Minnema

Urgent Alert: Albert Pizango arrested and under threat!

Albert Pizango, the leader of Aidesep, the indigenous network in the Peruvian Amazon, spent a year in exile after a government militia massacred local people protesting at Amazon destruction.This week he returned to Peru after a year in Nicaragua and was arrested yesterday.He is accused of formenting violence. When the violence occurred in Bagua, it involved the Peruvian authorities first

First Green MP delivers maiden speech in parliament

"Politics needs to renew itself, and allow new ideas and visions to emerge"The threat from climate change featured strongly in the first speech to theHouse of Commons by Britain's first Green MP this afternoon.But the new MP for Brighton Pavilion also drew attention to the UK's needfor greater gender equality, for an elected House of Lords, for animprovement to Britain's record on civil liberties

Greens call for U-turn on Academies scheme

“Power in education should go to schools, teachers and parents – not sponsors” The Green Party today publicly condemned proposals to offer all schools an option of Academy status. Rachel Fryer, the Greens’ education spokesperson, said “There is clear evidence that Academies do not improve performance and in some cases make it worse. “The Green Party has always spoken in favour of greater

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

What do I want for my birthday?l

Well half way to ninety today and have dozens of happy birthday greetings on my facebook.....and of course as a cyclist I am happy with each new birthday particularly!Slightly dodgy birthday because I got back home to find, not a surprise party and extra cake but an electricity blackout, apparently a vast swathe of Warfield, Ascot and Winkfield has been in the dark because of a problem with a

Images by Artsmoonika

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

John Africa on Water & Pollution

John Africa on Water & Pollution[col. writ. 5/20/10] (c) '10 Mumia Abu-Jamal It was after the first major MOVE confrontation in Philadelphia, August 8th, 1978, when MOVE Founder, John Africa dictated The Judge's Letter, 15 pages of pointed outrage, not just of MOVE's treatment by the government, but of corporate and state pollution of the natural world. His words came back to me in the

Monday, May 24, 2010

Nick Griffin throws in towel

I guess he may change his mind, 2013 is a long time away in British politics, but good news. Despite the General Election Griffin has proved to be the most effective leader the far right in Britain has had.A strategic thinker it will be good to see him replaced, he raised the game for the far right compared to the hapless John Tyndall.Or may be its a bluff to take the pressure off after the BNP

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Crisis in West Papua alert

Urgent Action for Pucak Jaya Humanitarian Crisis’sSunday, May 23, 2010 5:40 PMFrom: "" Add sender to ContactsTo: freewestpapua@lists.riseup.netDear Friend of West Papua.It is with great sadness that I write to let you know about a humanitariancrisis that is developing in Puncak Jaya region of the West Papua highlands.Indonesian military have been launching sweeping

SWP + direct action = monumental fuck up?

Glad to see Aled blogging again.Simply put, we can’t tell yet how every BA worker feels about the SWP’s breaking up of their talks – but, with no workers actually on the protest and a condemnation by their union, we can have a pretty good idea, and those involved in the protest should have seen this reaction coming.


THE ALTERNATIVE ECOSOCIALIST: CAPITALIST DESTRUCTION OR NEW CIVILIZATION - Gustavo Fernández Colón Gustavo Fernández Colón Professor at the University of Carabobo, Venezuela Email: (Paper presented to the Forum "ecosocialism XXI century", in Caracas, Venezuela, in June 2009) The most serious aspect of the crisis facing the global capitalist system is not the bankruptcy

Antanas Mockus will defeat death squads!

Declaration of the Global Green Coordination regarding the presidential election campaign of the Colombian Green Party and its candidate Antanas Mockus 20th May 2010The Global Green Coordination representing more than 80 green parties from around the world, greets the surging campaign for the upcoming presidential elections being conducted by the Colombian Green Party and its candidate Antanas

Kayapo resistance continues!

It's been exactly one month to the day since a group of Kayapo set up a ferry blockade across the Xingu River in an ongoing protest against the controversial Belo Monte hydro dam. The Kayapo were dispatched to the site on April 22, the same day the Brazilian government granted out rights to build the ... Continue Reading:

Founding congress of New Ecosocialist Party

Founding Congress / 29 May in Lausanne of the new ecosocialist Party, the Left in Switzerland.for more details have a look at their facebook

Building a climate and just transition movement in Europ

From many different organisations and networks in Europe, we invite you to a meeting in Bonn on 5 and 6 June to discuss climate justice and the building of a just transition movement in Europe.We start from the example resistance in Copenhagen and the spirit of climate justice. We will discuss: How to carry the spirit of Cochabamba forward;Building a climate and just transition movement in Europe

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Mumia 'Globalization is here - and it ain't pretty'

STATE AGAINST PEOPLE[col. writ. 5/16/10] (c) '10 Mumia Abu-Jamal There is, at the heart of American society, a profound disquiet about the overwhelming powers of government, one which waxes and wanes according to the felt needs of the time. That's partly because, while we say the government was formed to support freedom, we know that this wasn't true. We know that the government was

Colombian Green Party flash mob today

Alas can't make this but yes a green tide is sweeping Latin America! FLASH>MOB!!! Los VERDES nos tomamos el South Bank Where: Parque entre City Hall y Tower Bridge When: Today from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm (Sat. 22nd) The GP are leading in the Columbian Presidential election. Think of it - thefirst Green Government!!! They have asked

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Jerry Hicks ‘Unite behind John McDonnell’

‘Unite behind John McDonnell’Jerry Hicks a candidate in the election for the General Secretary of Unite, Britain's biggest union, today urged Labour MPs to nominate John McDonnell MP to be the new Leader of the Labour Party.Jerry Hicks said "I welcome John McDonnell's commitment to a leadership debate based on the policies. I applaud John McDonnell's long-standing support for workers' rights, the

Unite General Secretary ballot could put left in charge

Please find an attachment giving the details of the timetable for the election of Unite General Secretary. As you will see the nomination months for Branches and workplaces are July and August, with the balloting of our 1.7 million members throughout October. Our campaign continues at a pace, not least in the miles that we are travelling (with my bum taking up the shape of a National Express

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Escher's chair

Escher's chair by Steve Williams (Pinhead Industries)

Caroline Lucas to speak at Compass event

Caroline ran and won on a programme of greater democracy, equality and of course sustainability. Let's find out, now she is in Parliament, how she proposes to push this common agenda.'This is why we've invited Caroline to speak: to help us forge new progressive alliances, develop fresh thinking, to listen to, learn from and be challenged by those with different perspectives and help us to forge a

Monday, May 17, 2010

Mumia Abu-Jamal asks is this 'The Fall of the House of Labour'

The Fall of the House of Labour[col. writ. 5/12/10] (c) '10 Mumia Abu-Jamal When Gordon Brown surrendered the post of Prime Minister to his Conservative opponent, David Cameron, he signaled the collapse of the Labour Party from its heady days of the '90's, at the end of the Thatcher era. In 1997, when Tony Blair took power, he gave an extraordinary speech to the Labour Party Conference,

Caroline Lucas MP to speak at Brighton solidarity meeting

BRIGHTON WORKERS SPEAK OUTTuesday, 25 May 2010 at 19:30 - 21:30in the Auditorium,Brighthelm CentreNorth Road (corner of Queens Rd),5 mins from Brighton stationSPEAKERS - SUSSEX UCU (currently striking for jobs)BRIGHTON RMT (currently balloting for jobs)NUT (currently boycotting the SATS tests)BRIGHTON AND HOVE UNISON (meeting organisers)CAROLINE LUCAS MP FOR BRIGHTON PAVILIONplus Brighton

Thirty years since Shining Path went to war against the people of Peru

May 17th 1980 Shining Path, a Maoist group that split from the Communist Party of Peru undertook the first action in their 'Peoples' War', burning ballot papers in an obscure village.Until their leader, a philosophy professor specialising in Kant, was captured in the 1990s, they took part in a bloody war which claimed the lives of 10,000s of people and displaced 100,000s.They killed not just

Derek Wall endorses Labour leadership candidate.

Dear John, thanks for trying to stand for Labour leader. 'John McDonnell would make a wonderful leader of the Labour Party. He is one of the few politicians who understands that free market solutions have run of steam and that we need an economy that values people not just short term profit. We have seen amazing changes in Latin America, where the once exhausted and discredit left, have swept


TATE MODERN TENTH BIRTHDAY SEES ACTION AGAINST SLICK BP SPONSORSHIP DEAD FISH AND OIL DRENCHED BIRDS HANG FROM TURBINE HALL Tate Modern was forced to close down parts of its No Soul For Sale tenth anniversary exhibition on Saturday (15 May) whilst it struggled to remove dozens of dead fish and oil-soaked birds hanging from huge black balloons let loose in the Turbine Hall. Art activists from

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Nick Clegg promises a new kind of politics

Caroline Lucas MP to speak at Greek solidarity meeting

She has already been amazing and we are just into week two.Great to be able to use the phrase 'Green Party MP' or even Green Left MP....worth all the hours so many of us put in delivering leaflets and knocking on doors in Brighton.The meeting is on 26th May is with Tony Benn and the counterfire crew..7pm, Wednesday 26 MayConway Hall, Red Lion Square, London, WC1Speakers include:Tony BennCaroline

Black priest used BNP to promote anti-gay no contraceptives campaign


Noam Chomsky denied entry to Israel 18:02 16.05.10Latest update 18:02 16.05.10Noam Chomsky denied entry into IsraelLeft-wing American linguist, who was scheduled to speak at Bir Zeit University, given no reason by Israeli inspectors at Allenby Bridge.By Amira Hass Left-wing American linguist Professor Noam Chomsky was denied entry into

New artworks by Uwe R. Hoeppe


I am lucky enough to have my own personal link with this stuff but here is a report back from some of the few UK based campaigners to get over what with tierra madre stopping the planes.REPORT BACK FROM THE PEOPLE’S CLIMATE CONFERENCE, COCHABAMBA, BOLIVIA,19-22 APRIL 2010Our trip to Bolivia started a couple of days before the World People'sConference on Climate Change, when we attended the 3rd

Art prostitute?

Of course selling sexual services is if freely chosen an ethical choice, money from polluters is just this communique from the guerillas.LIBERATE TATE COMMUNIQUE #1 MAY 2010 Dear TateHappy Birthday. We wish we could celebrate with you. But we can’t.As we write, your corporate sponsor BP is creating the largest oil painting in the world, inspired by profit margins and a culture that

Friday, May 14, 2010

Mumia on 13th May massacre

[col. writ. 5/8/10] (c) '10 Mumia Abu-Jamal May 13th, 1985 is more than a day of infamy, when a city waged war on its own alleged 'citizens', but also when the city committed a massacre - and did so with impunity. When babies were shot and burned alive, with their Mothers and Fathers, and the killers rewarded with honors and pensions - while politicians talked and the media mediated mass

Impossible columnade and optical illusions

Three optical illusions by Iaroslav Lazunov

Thursday, May 13, 2010

How Long Will It Take Arizona's Tourist Industry To Recover From The Republican Party Jihad Against Hispanics?

The U.S. has virtually no chance to bring home its bid to host the 2018 World Cup, officially submitted today, because of the anti-Hispanic police state created in Arizona by that state's off-the-rails Republican Party. And two major Mexican soccer teams, Club América and Club de Fútbol Pachuca, cancelled their July 7th match at University of Phoenix Stadium. That's because Arizona Republicans have been doubling down on their sociopathic jihad against Hispanic residents. As Austin joined San Francisco and Los Angeles in announcing a boycott of Arizona's new anti-Hispanic police state, tourist officials there are bracing for the worst. In Phoenix alone, David Krietor, a deputy city manager who is tracking the issue, said this week the city faces lost business worth about $90 million over the next five years. Debbie Johnson, president of the Arizona Hotel and Lodging Association, said a boycott might be disastrous for the state's more than 200,000 hospitality-industry workers. "We really don't need another hit," she added. As of April 30, the lodging association had identified 19 conventions canceled, worth an estimated 15,000 room nights, or $6 million. This is getting more and more serious and it's time to really wake up here. Yesterday when I was reading Sebastian Doggart's wonderful post on unindicted war criminal Condoleeza Rice and his reference to Martin Niemöller's chilling 1940s-era poem, I couldn't help thinking about what the Republicans are doing to the state of Arizona. Original translation:

When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.

When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.

When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.

When they came for the Jews,
I remained silent;
I wasn't a Jew.

When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out.

Arizona is getting out of hand. And it isn't about controlling the borders or controlling crime. It's pure fucking racism and narrow-minded, self-righteous bigotry. The accidental governor signed another hate-filled bill to tell Hispanics they're not welcome in Arizona, another piece of the Republican ethnic cleansing push. Latest to be banned: "ethnic studies."

HB 2281 bans schools from teaching classes that are designed for students of a particular ethnic group, promote resentment or advocate ethnic solidarity over treating pupils as individuals. The bill also bans classes that promote the overthrow of the U.S. government.

The bill was written to target the Chicano, or Mexican American, studies program in the Tucson school system, said state Supt. of Public Instruction Tom Horne.

School districts that don't comply with the new law could have as much as 10% of their state funds withheld each month. Districts have the right to appeal the mandate, which goes into effect Dec. 31.

Tucson Unified School District officials say the Chicano studies classes benefit students and promote critical thinking. "We don't teach all those ugly things they think we're teaching," said Judy Burns, the president of the district's governing board.

She has no intention of ending the program, which offers courses from elementary school through high school in topics such as literature, history and social justice, with an emphasis on Latino authors and history. About 3% of the district's 55,000 students are enrolled in such classes... Ethnic studies are taught at high schools and colleges nationwide, but the Tucson district officials say their 14-year-old program is unique because it's districtwide, offered to grades K-12, and can satisfy high school graduation requirements.

Yesterday the Los Angeles City Council, in a 13-1 vote (lunatic fringe nutcase Greig Smith from Simi Valley being the "1"), decided to ban travel and future contracts with Arizona over their anti-Hispanic policies.

During a morning-long debate on the resolution, council members compared Arizona’s action to Nazi Germany and the beginning of the Holocaust, as well as the internment and deportation of Japanese Americans during World War II. A new Arizona law, which will take effect July 23, will require police to determine whether people they stop are in the country illegally, which critics say will lead to racial profiling.

“Los Angeles the second-largest city in this country, an immigrant city, an international city. It needs to have its voice heard,’’ said Councilman Ed Reyes, one of the resolution’s sponsors. “As an American, I cannot go to Arizona today without a passport. If I come across an officer who’s having a bad day and feels that the picture on my ID is not me, I can be … deported, no questions asked. That is not American.’’

Even national Republicans (though not McCain) are embarrassed by the out and out racism-- they usually prefer it carefully cover-up-- and yesterday it was announced that the heavy favorite for the 2012 GOP Convention, Phoenix (who "had it in the bag") was suddenly replaced with Tampa, a very open and multi-ethnic, all-American city. As disappointed as they are, beleaguered Arizona tourism officials aren't even a little surprised. Tourism, one of the state's most important industries-- first because of the violence and now because of the racism, is in the crapper.
Hispanic civil rights groups are boycotting Arizona and urging others to do the same. Officials at the National Council of La Raza, one of the groups driving the boycott, had privately asked the RNC not to meet in Phoenix.

The city risks losing as much as $90 million in hotel and convention business over the next five years because of the controversy, according to city estimates released Wednesday. The state's hotel and lodging association has counted 23 canceled meetings for a loss of between $6 and $10 million. On Wednesday, Los Angeles became the largest city to join the boycott.

...Arizona Republicans, including Gov. Jan Brewer, have stood more solidly behind their immigration law as a necessary tool for dealing with illegal immigration. She has also pushed back against the boycott, particularly the call for Major League Baseball to pull the 2011 All-Star game out of the state.

MLB owners, who have not commented on the boycott, begin a two-day quarterly meeting in New York this week. No major action items are on the agenda, but advocates of the boycott hope it will be discussed.

"You have a sport that the Latino community loves, whether you are a recent immigrant or native born, Latinos see baseball at their sport," said Clarissa Martinez De Castro, the director of immigration and national campaigns at NCLR. "The question is: As a sport where do they stand?"

The MLB Players Association has come out in opposition to the law, as have the Phoenix Suns. The team wore its "Los Suns" jerseys last week specifically to push back against the state's law. The decision came from team owner Robert Sarver, who suggested the players wear their Noche Latina alternates.

Concert promoters are also starting to feel their business disintegrate, Cypress Hill being the latest band to cancel a show and announce support for a boycott of Arizona. There's no chance I will go to Arizona while these Republicans are doing this kind of thing. Blue America is also urging everyone to support the only federal elected official in the state who is standing with the Hispanic community, Rep. Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ) at the One America page. Grijalva and his staff have been threatened-- with serious violence (one gunman has been arrested so far)-- and he has had to close down his constituent services offices in Tucson and Yuma. Arizona isn't behaving like its part of America. I bet we couldn't get the Mexicans to take it back though.

Meanwhile Faith in Public Life announced today that an “emergency delegation” of Bishops and prominent religious leaders from Arizona will fly to Washington tomorrow to ask Sen. John McCain and White House officials to set politics aside and take immediate action on comprehensive immigration reform.

These religious leaders-- who will also meet tomorrow with DOJ, DHS and other Members of Congress from Arizona-- are on the front lines of the immigration debate, as their state enacts Arizona SB-1070-- an extreme measure that will likely lead to increased discrimination and racial profiling, and penalizes families and faith communities already living in fear. This draconian legislation, which has been denounced by religious leaders from across the theological, political and ideological spectrum, demonstrates the urgent need for political leadership from Arizona’s Senators and the President to move on comprehensive immigration reform immediately-- before other states follow in Arizona’s footsteps.

Bananas for poverty, pineapples for degraded environment

*Banana Link* is hosting the visit of *Didier Leitón Valverde*, an organiser with our Costa Rican partners, *SITRAP*, in June. He is an inspiring trade union activist and keen to have the opportunity to raise awareness as widely as possible about the challenges facing unions andtheir members in Costa Rica today. *If you would like to meet Leitón orare organising an event at which he could speak,

Anti-corruption General Election candidate joins Greens!

Mark who was an independent candidate on an anti-corruption ticket in Bromsgrove and did so much to unseat Julie Kirkbride over expenses has just joined the green party!Great guy, great news, glad to have him on board.Subject: Fair is worth Fighting For! Join the GREEN PARTY!hi foks,I'd like to thank all 335 people who voted for me in the General Election. Our campaign contributed to increasing

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Papercraft Blank Templates

Most papercraft is the hard work and dedication of talented artists and while this set of paper models is certainly that, there is a difference, they have been left blank. What does this mean for you? It means you can put whatever you want on them. Awesome. Go nuts, get creative. Have fun :P

Get them here

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Escher's waterfall on a tarot card

Tarot card by Ulises Sarry


Statement to UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues in New YorkSan Carlos Apache Tribe28 April 2010Mr. Chairman and members of the Permanent Forum, my name is Vernelda Grant, I am here representing the sovereign nation of the San Carlos Apache Tribe, located in southeastern Arizona.The purpose of this statement is to re-affirm why the San Carlos Apache Tribe, the Inter-Tribal Council of Arizona,

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Planning A Trip To Morocco

Yesterday I booked my flights from L.A. to Marrakesh. Roland said it'll be his 5th trip there. It'll be my 14th! The first time I went I drove. Not from L.A.-- from Germany, where, in 1969, I had purchased a VW camper van, which became my home for several years, and drove around Europe, wound up in Spain, and then took a ferry, with the van, from Algeciras to Ceuta. (Algeciras is at the bottom of Spain and you can get a ferry to Ceuta, a lonely Spanish colony they haven't given back yet, or directly to Tangier, which is what I've always done since that first trip. Except when I take a plane-- which is what I'm doing this time. No carefree two-three months to drive around Iberia and Morocco this time-- just 3 week conventional holiday in Morocco. And in the old days, you had to more or less fly to Casablanca and then get to Marrakesh or Essaouira from there.

Now it's almost convenient to just fly directly to Marrakesh. I say "almost" because it's still a small regional airport and not many international flights-- other than charters-- go in and out. I found one on a subsidiary of Royal Air Moroc, Atlas Blue, which I had never heard of. But it flies from Heathrow to Marrakesh. The only thing I'll miss about Casablanca is Le Port de Pêche, one of my favorite seafood restaurants anywhere, a consolation for anyone who is forced to travel to an otherwise must-to-avoid (more or less) Casablanca.

Anyway, today's New York Times Travel Section is all about Morocco. The raison d'etre for all that space is a music oriented piece on Essaouira, the wonderful seaport on the Atlantic Ocean I discovered after Marrakech back when I first started coming to Morocco. I knew Jimi Hendrix a little from New York and he was there too, taking a rest before going to play at the Isle of Wight Festival (where I was headed as well). Essaouira was a lot sleeper then than it is now. And now-- every June-- a guy I met years and years ago hosts a big (5 day long) music festival. It highlights gnaoua music which is a mixture of African and Arab musical traditions.

Unlike festivals staged, à la Woodstock, in muddy, middle-of-nowhere pastures, or worse, in vast, overheated football stadiums, the Gnawa’s setting, in a small, friendly and almost impossibly picturesque, wind-cooled seaside city, is as magical and mesmerizing as the music.

Roland's pissed off because the article on Eassouira doesn't mention any of the really great seafood restaurants they make the city one of the culinary capitals of the country. I'm delighted; the fewer tourists who have those places on their agendas, the more room for us when we're back the in a couple months. I'll do a more comprehensive guide to Essouira restaurants when we're there, meanwhile, suffice it to remember that it's the home of nutty, delicious argan oil.

Union militants fight Cameron's cuts campaign and call for solidarity

Press conference and open meeting 6.30pm Thursday 13th MayAt university of London room 3e Malet Street, London.‘Union election candidates unite against ‘public schoolboy Government’Whilst Cameron and Clegg discuss working together and how to implement a ‘savage cuts’ agenda, Jerry Hicks and Paul Holmes are discussing how to lead the 2 biggest unions in a campaign to defend workers. The leading

Editorial from Indigenous struggle newspaper

Lucha Indigena is an indigenous newspaper from Peru, sold around the Amazon and Andes, with news stories about how indigenous people are fighting for mother earth, the commons and justice...have a look at their website, helps if you read Spanish or Quecha, I have put in a quick rough translate if you don't. This is about the struggle for survival, the good news is the indigenous are winning,

Caroline Lucas MP 'Don't betray the voters' message to Nick Clegg

These are uncharted waters for all politicians. But this only makes itmore important that Nick Clegg makes his decisions based on the clearsteer given to him by voters.In this election the British people have brought in a House of Commonsin which a majority of MPs are from parties which support reform. Aclear majority of people in the United Kingdom voted for reform of ourpolitical system.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Pete the Madman!

Well I am trying to unwind and relax,Dr Who is pleasing me less than usual....but I may have a look later.I have been reading Almanac of the Dead, indigenous revolution novel but its not hitting the spot so I am going to abandon.However I have got a blu ray of Pierrot Le Fou borrowed to watch.Have seen before, Godard road movie, more accessible than much of his work and I remember it looking good

Where next for Brighton Labour Party?

Labour are in danger of coming across as poor losers. Former Brighton Pavilion MP, David Lepper, could not have been less magnanimous in the face of his Party’s defeat. He said: “I believe it is a good move for the career of Caroline Lucas but bad for the party across the city. I think they expected to win by more votes and citywide they came fourth. With a hung parliament, a new election

Democracy is not what we have at present...

I suggest as many people as possible put posters in their windows calling for electoral reform. Here's what I put on my election-era blog about it ( Just had this from Anne Gray, Green Party candidate for TottenhamPlease cascade some version of this message to all your friends and ask them to do the same. Love and peace Anne We need electoral reform! Our broken ‘

Friday, May 7, 2010

Demand democracy demo tomorrow

Take Back Parliament, a movement by charities, think tanks and pressure groups to demand a new voting system that will put an end to broken elections and properly represent the views of the British people. The coalition believes our 'winner takes all' first-past-the-post voting system is bust beyond repair, and is calling for a fairer system of representation where seats in Parliament are

3D animation of impossible figures

Salma Yaqoob re-elected as councillor

BIRMINGHAM – Sparkbrook WardYaqoob, Salma Respect 5,119 45.1% ELECTEDAzim, Mohammed Labour Party 3,878 34.2%Kadir, Abdul Conservative Party 1,027 9.1%Qureshi, Naeem Rabbani Liberal Democrats 973 8.6%Alldrick, Charles John Green Party 349 3.1%Don't know why some has got a whole 3% running against her as a Green, she is green as far as I am concerned.Hopefully she can win the parliamentary seat in

Tories are already split

Tory MPs are dissenting with many rejecting electoral reform as a precondition for a coalition with Lib Dems.And with the failure of the Ulster Unionists (now part of the Conservatives) to win a single seat in Northern Ireland, the Conservatives opportunity to build a stable majority looks in doubt.So I am guessing it will be a Conservative minority government, which will make John Major's last

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Salma Yaqoob so near so far!

Godsieff is the lowest of the low, well bar Nick Griffin so sad to see him still an MP but Salma was not too far off, Cleggmania seems to have dissolved thoughBirmingham Hall GreenCandidatesName Party Votes % +/-Roger Godsiff Labour 16,039 32.9 -9.4Salma Yaqoob Respect-Unity Coalition 12,240 25.1 +13.9Jerry Evans Liberal Democrat 11,988 24.6 -1.8Jo Barker Conservative 7,320 15.0 +0.1Alan

Caroline Lucas wins and becomes first Green MP

Dr Caroline Lucas Green Elected 16,238 31.33 Nancy Platts Labour 14,986 28.91 Charlotte Vere Conservative 12,275 23.68 Bernadette Millam Liberal Democrat 7,159 13.81 Nigel Carter UK Independence Party 948 1.83 Ian Fyvie Socialist Labour Party 148 0.29 Soraya Kara Citizens for Undead Rights and Equality 61 0.12 Leo Atreides No description 19 0.04 Majority 1,252 2.42 Turnout 51,834 70.04 As

General Election: Tories by a whisker?

The big exit poll suggests the Lib Dems will lose seats, from 62 to 59.....shocking if true because they are likely to get a higher percentage than last time....according to all the previous polls. Electoral Reform is needed, doubt that it will be achieved.Tories 307 but they need to 326 to rule.Labour 255.Things to watch.1) Northern Ireland, the Ulster Unionists are now re-married to the Tories,

Desperate Labour in last minute dirty tricks to damage amazing women leader. is the link to a very dirty leaflet aimed at Salma Yaqoob by soon to be defeated Roger Godsieff.New Labour nasties deserve to lose.

Were you up for Oliver Letwin?

Well I have hated Cleggmania and I still do!We are urged to vote tactically for a party which will support proportional representation (except it won't, Nick having said it is not a precondition for a coalition and Brown going for non proportional AV+).We are urged to vote for them as greens, yet Clegg has clocked up hundreds of miles by plane in the last couple of days and if they can get votes

Mumia Abu-Jamal 'Oil on the Waters'

Mumia has long been an ecosocialist, a passionate advocate of a politics that respects the Earth, a friend of John Africa and man who has tapped into the blackness of greenness.Oil on the Waters[col. writ. 4/30/10] (c) '10 Mumia Abu-Jamal As dark blobs of oil seep from the underwater wells of an exploded oil platform, the shoals and shores of the Gulf of Mexico become exhibit A of our doomed

Vote Green today! Vote Caroline Lucas first Green MP

Hello there!It's a sunny day here in Brighton and an historic one.Thank you for all your support over the last few months to help elect Caroline as the UK's first Green MP.But it's not over yet.We're fighting for every last vote right up to 10 pm tonight in one of the closest contests in the country.If you would like to help us in our 'telling' operations or other campaign activities today,

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Eve of poll message, vote for a future says Caroline Lucas

Leading trade unionists back Caroline Lucas

05 MAY 2010A group of leading trade unionists in Brighton have announced that they are switching from Labour to support Caroline Lucas in her bid to become the country's first Green MP in Brighton Pavilion. The trade unionists, including reps from Unison, UCU, Unite and the NUJ say: "None of us are members of the Green Party. In the past, most of us have worked to get Labour candidates elected.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Mumia Abu-Jamal examines the Tea Parties (coming to UK soon!)

Just got this from Mumia, gracias amigo.Tea Parties and Fear of the Future[col. writ. 4/24/10] (c) '10 Mumia Abu-Jamal For every event in society, there are at least two sides; the side seen; and the side unseen. Oftentimes, the side seen is simply that which coincides with media narratives, a perverse kind of shadow theater, where the media, by its choices of what to cover, and what to

Indigenous defend Yasuni from oil

There is a global ecological crisis, we are ripping up the basic life support systems of planet.....the people fighting this are the indigenous, if you love your planet, if you are a selfish individualist after number, if you have any conception of the car crash the indigenous because they support you and if you have any, your children....forget the trivia support the

Jon Snow on green justice party focuses on social justiceBy Channel 4 NewsUpdated on 30 April 2010After putting the planet first for 20 years, the Green party is now focusing on social justice and inequality. Jon Snow spoke to Green party leader Caroline Lucas. Jon Snow began by asking the Green party leader, Caroline Lucas,

Monday, May 3, 2010

Final push in Brighton to elect first Green MP

Been down to Brighton Pavilion today to lend a hand.Its looking very good....the constituency is covered in Green Party posters.And the Party is increasingly confident of electing our first MP. Caroline is fighting it on a strong left programme of no cuts,no Trident, troops out of Afghanistan, no ID cards and job creation through a New Green Deal Programme. Taxes on the rich need to go up and

Brent Trades Union Council 'full support for the reinstatement of Abdul Omer'

Good to see some support from a Trade Union Council for a good union activist, with Lab/Lib Dem/Cons eager to sack thousands of workers in public services, we need strong and committed unions, looks like Brent leads the way.Brent Trades Union MatthewsManaging DirectorLondon Sovereign LtdBusways HouseWellington RoadTwickenhamTW2 5NXFax: 020 8943 2688Dear Mr

Another Pool

Another Pool by deadyeti

Water Feature II

Water Feature II by deadyeti

Sunday, May 2, 2010

The strange case of James Gitau the BNP's black vicar

Gitau says that he still gives advice to BNP leader Nick Griffin, telling him that “racism is not the way forward”.But he will compete against the BNP's candidate in Croydon Central, Cliff Le May. Le May recently triggered controversy by writing to London Mayor Boris Johnson to object to “violent immigrants who have no right to live among decent civilised white people”.Despite Gitau's views on

Human Rights scandal hits Latin American leader

Another nail in the coffin of the friend of the right, could even be a Green Party President in Colombia, its not just a red tide but also a green one in Latin America, two amazing Presidential campaigns the other in Brazil show that Green Politics is about indigenous, farmers and urban communities of the poor in Latin America.

Images by Valdis Torms

biofuel kills, do your bit to help stop it.

Dear friends,In South Wales, biofuel company Vogen has appealed against a decision by Newport City Council last September to refuse planning permission for a 25 MW vegetable oil power station. Vogen has publicly confirmed that they intend to burn at least some palm oil if they got the go-ahead. Written comments can be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate - closing date is25 May. Individual

Green Socialist Party says 'defend the commons'

The Left are the new ecosocialist party in Switzerland, just got their May day message and stuck in google translate....ecosocialism is the future if we are going to have one, the bond markets don't take trivial things like human being into account when they decided who they want in government, so we are going to need some real thought and action, get involved with THE LEFT if you are an

Saturday, May 1, 2010

On Thursday you can help change UK politics for ever by electing the country’s first Green MP in Brighton

My local party members have been down to help today, I am going on Monday, join me, make history and elect our first Green Party MPOn Thursday you can help change UK politics for ever by electing the country’s first Green MP in Brighton.People in Brighton and around the country want progressive change and a fairer and greener society.If Caroline is elected she will work with like-minded MPs to

Artworks by Joe Santana

We are pleased to inform you that we have decided to endorse you as the best voting option in your constituency to protect millions of animals

Dear Derek Thank you very much for responding to the Protecting Animals in Democracy policy questionnaire. We are pleased to inform you that we have decided to endorse you as the best voting option in your constituency to protect millions of animals from the cruelty of bloodsports, intensive farming and painful experiments. Please feel free to announce this on your website and other media. I have

Happy May Day from Hugo Chavez

Felicidades en su dia a los trabajadores y trabajadoras. Los invito al socialismo q es el Reino de la clase obrera. Gracias por sus mensajesGreetings on workers day, I invite you to the kingdom of the workers: socialism, Thanks for your messagesHugo Chavezvia Chavez Twitter @chavezcandanga online on

Letter from a red shirt.

well I am not doing the church hustings but I at least communicating with a lot of local voters via email, just had this enquiry about football from a Man U fan.Dear Omar,If I am honest I would have to say that my knowledge of football is about as large as my knowledge of astronomy (not very great) but I do know that it matters intensely to millions of fans.I am dismayed by corporate control,

May Day Greetings from Asia!

Could Asia be the new Latin America? Can green socialists create change across the region. Today on May day, trade unionists are mobilising for economic democracy based on workers control, ecology and justice. Just been facebooked this.Joint May Day 2010 statement from AsiaAll over the world workers are organising ...We are organising to demand a living wage. For health and safety at work. For