Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Caroline Lucas calls for an end to war in Afghanistan

McCain declares (nuclear) war on Navajo & Sioux

'Our Mother is suffering....'Radiation levels rising, uranium mining for 'clean' nuclear power is killing indigenous land in Arizona and McCain wants more, bet it would be different if his house was next to a radioactive mine.

Ken Coates dies

Powered By: VideoBuzzKen was a keen workers control leftist who supported the Lucas project to convert weapons into alternative energy systems, etc.With my friend Hugh Kerr he briefly joined the Green group when they were both expelled as Labour MEPsA sad loss.Video is Ken in action at the Belgrano Inquiry.More Here from John Palmer's obituary.

Human Rights Watch apologises to Peter Tatchell

“Inappropriate, disparaging, inaccurate, condemnatory and intemperatepersonal attacks,” acknowledges HRW“Apology accepted, let’s move on and work together,” urges Peter TatchellLondon – 30 June 2010Human Rights Watch (HRW) has made a full and unreserved apology tohuman rights rights campaigner Peter Tatchell.The apology has been made by HRW’s Executive Director, Kenneth Roth,in New York.It says

Matsés indigenous denounce incursion by oil company

This was put out by Aidesep on monday, 70% of the Peruvian Amazon is being sold off for oil exploration, the indigenous people are keenly aware that their environment will be destroyed and climate change will become catastrophic if the oil companies get their way. The indigenous are resisting. The video above is informative but I think inaccurate about their traditional agriculture and it

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

LEGO puzzle

LEGO puzzle by Kevin Poulton

Mumia on 'Obama-McChrystal tete'a-tete'

Generals & Presidents[col. writ. 6/24/10] (c) '10 Mumia Abu-Jamal The recent Obama-McChrystal tete'a-tete, which resulted in the general submitting his resignation (and the president accepting it) is but an historical echo from conflicts between the army and its civilian leaders, for generations. When Abe Lincoln was enmeshed in the Civil War, one of his greatest opponents was also one

BP oil spill harms whales and dolphins

Hampshire to be oil rush zone warns Keith Taylor MEP

Keith Taylor is the new Green Party MEP for the South East, after Caroline Lucas became an MP she stood down and he is next on the list, he is going to continue all her good work for peace, justice and the environment.He fears that Hampshire could be blighted like the gulf of Mexico by oil exploration..When Hampshire and the South East's Green MEP Keith Taylor tours Hampshire this Friday (1), he

neo-lib dems cut job centre staff as unemployment rockets

Cutting jobcentre staff while unemployment rises is 'absurd', union says Plans announced by the Department for Work and Pensions today (28 June) tocut 8,000 jobs from jobcentres by March 2011 are "economically absurd", thePublic and Commercial Services union says. Job cuts on this scale are unprecedented at a time when unemployment iscontinuing to rise and the move will not just add to the

Monday, June 28, 2010

'particularly stupid, venal and/or corrupt economists'

Well I am bac in the UK (just as well I am not big on football!), in fact just meet Eric Lubbock (Lord Avebury) at Westminster but I am still focused on Ireland.Must take more notice of Irish Left Review, do have a look at their review of a new book on the Irish economic fuck up.It is rare indeed to be able to laugh in any of the books about Ireland’s mad rush to sell itself to its shiftiest


The Stop the War/CND public meeting in parliament on Monday 28 June has addedsignificance following a trumatic week for the political and military leaderswaging war in Afghanistan.Many MPs will attend the meeting, including a number who were previouslysupporters of the war. Among the MPs speaking are Caroline Lucas, JeremyCorbyn, Paul Flynn, John Trickett, Eric Joyce and Yasmin Qureshi.June has

An Fís Nua new Irish political party to register.

The two-day meeting in Parnell Square was attended by former Green Party MEP Patricia McKenna and ex-Green Party councillor Pat Kavanagh of Wicklow town as well as members of the Donegal Greens which recently disaffiliated en masse from the Green Party.David Grey of Tralee, a former candidate for the party, advocate for the disability sector and founder member of GM Free Kerry also supports the

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Travel Safety-- WE ARE Passengers Not Prisoners

I want to share a little website with you than my old friend Ian put together, Passengers Not Prisoners. I think any traveler will relate to it. Ian's an anger-management and conflict resolution counselor and lecturer. He's way into violence prevention and is always on the road speaking at shelters, schools, hospitals, clinics, and drug-treatment programs. (He's also a record producer and concert promoter.) This is the intro he wrote for Passengers Not Prisoners:

“(Don’t) stay in your place.”

Freely exercise the right to travel, and more fully know your world and that it is almost invariably a safe place. The vast majority of the people on the planet are not benevolent, they are simply indifferent to you.

The world is not becoming more dangerous, it is becoming safer. A person was six times more likely to be murdered in the Middle Ages than today. It is just that today, through the mass-media, we hear about more instances which leads to a distorted sense of jeopardy.

People invariably only attack one category of victims: those that they feel deserve it. Out of the over 6-billion people alive today, they have better people to harm than you so the key is to not give them a reason to do it. (Even among those incarcerated for violent crimes, in study after study it has consistently been found that less than 6 percent of them can be clinically classified as sadistic.)

Aggression is communication, arguably the first act of communication. All individuals, no matter how wrong they may be, at the moment of action believe that they are right. Counter-attacking only leads to an intensification of conflict and a greater sense of isolation and opposition. Empathy (emotional understanding of others) and education are the most potent antidotes to softening adversarialism.

I've been traveling since I was 16 years old, when I tried to hitch hike to Miami Beach from Brooklyn to spend Pessach with my grandparents. Two years later I succeeded in hitching to Los Angeles, where I stowed away on a ship headed for-- in a roundabout way-- Tonga. I still haven't gotten to Tonga... but I'm workin' on it. Meanwhile, all of what Ian is talking about is the kind of stuff I've experienced first hand-- walking around in "wild" places, from Timbuktu and Cairo, East Jerusalem, Tangier, Kandahar, Katmandu, Tehran, East Berlin (back in the day), Mexico City, the slums of Bombay, Calcutta, Istanbul... and, yes, it all seemed mighty safe.

On the other hand, sometimes it seems like the ruling elites are discouraging travel and drumming up divisiveness across the world. Ian addresses it as Homeland Insecurity:

A fundamental confusion seems to have occurred. The government and the entire transportation industry exists because of us. They work for us (the citizens), we do not work for them. The harassment and systematic subjugation of innocent and law-abiding individuals must stop.

Positive change almost always fails because of the inability of a system to admit its own failure, instead amplifying the intensity of what it is already doing rather than truly changing course, and, thus, compounding the original error.

Raise the bar higher and the competition inevitably rises as well. Feeling secure does not equal true security. Some risk will always exist. We will never have (…and never have had) total world peace. All that we can strive for is ever-increasing relative peace. 80 percent of the resources should not be spent attempting to control the ultra-exceptional (i.e., far less than 1 percent of instances) that by their very unique and extreme nature are unpreventable.

Clearly, the next terrorist attack will come from within the system designed to prevent it. As the system grows larger and the number of employees goes up, so does the exposure, as well as standards and ability to supervise going down.

UPDATE: Airline Food-- Worse Than You Thought

It's kind of been a truism of air travel for decades that the food isn't too good-- although in international first class it kind of is. But do the roaches and bacteria know first class from steerage? FDA inspectors found a host of health violations in recent inspections of the 3 major airline catering facilities (serving Delta, American, United, US Airways and Continental). The conditions for the food prep were rated "unsanitary and unsafe."
The FDA reports say many facilities store food at improper temperatures, use unclean equipment and employ workers who practice poor hygiene. At some, there were cockroaches, flies, mice and other signs of inadequate pest control.

New Irish Political party born

I have just spent the last couple of days in Dublin, where I was invited by the Emerald Forum, the group of dissident Irish Green Party members who left the party over NAMA.A lengthy meeting in the Teachers Club, Parnell Street, produced a draft constitution and a draft manifesto....I am still not sure of whether they came up with a 'Federation with a Party structure' or a 'Party with federal

Art by Michael J. Wiggins


Tower by Andreas Aronsson

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Photos by Ed Algra

Photos by Ed Algra of a sand sculpture devoted to art of M.C. Escher, which was represented on festival of sand sculptures in Hague in 2010.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

New Irish Green Party meeting.

This includes Patricia McKenna, Chris O'Leary, David Grey, Pat Kavanagh, and the Donegal Greens (en masse).The first meeting is this saturday and I have been kindly its train and ferry tomorrow morning.Details of the meeting are as follows;Emerald Forum MeetingDate: Saturday, June 26, 2010Time: 12:00pm - 6.00pmLocation: Teacher's Club, Parnell Square, DublinOcean Frog takes up the

Licence to Spill

Beautiful art is funded by an ugly business:Apart from catastrophic spills like the Deepwater Horizon, there are a whole host of adverse impacts that are associated with the production of oil. On the local level, it often involves extreme forms of pollution for local communities, while regionally oil is frequently associated with greater militarization and conflict. Globally, carbon emissions, oil

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Howie Hawkins 'raise benefits for unemployed workers'

Hawkins Urge Democratic Leaders to Raise Unemployment Benefits, Pass Farmworkers and Domestic Worker Bill of Rights Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, called upon the state Democrats to take action to help working New Yorkers before going on vacation for the rest of the year by passing legislation to raise unemployment benefits and to extend basic workers rights to farmworker.

World cup trumpets?

The Spiritual and the Profane[col. writ. 6/16/10] (c) '10 Mumia Abu-Jamal The sounds of vuvuzelas, tens of thousands of them, have become the buzzing background for the World Cup, the megasized sports event held in South Africa. The vuvuzela, as every spectator knows, is the long, plastic, tube-like instrument that resembles an elongated trumpet, without keys. While an omnipresent pest

'Read my lips no new VAT' said Nick Clegg

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Caroline Lucas “ A budget for pointless austerity”

A “budget for pointless austerity” “Swingeing cuts were neither unavoidable nor fair” says Green MP Commenting on today’s “budget for pointless austerity,” the UK’s first Green MP Caroline Lucas said:“In spite of the Chancellor’s protestations, this budget was neither unavoidable nor fair. Instead it was a massively failed opportunity to shift the economy onto a fairer, greener pathway.“

Caroline Lucas says budget 'a massively failed opportunity'

Caroline Lucas, Britain’s first Green MP and leader of the Green Party, comments on today’s budget:“In spite of the Chancellor’s protestations, this budget was neither unavoidable nor fair. Instead it was a massively failed opportunity to shift the economy onto a fairer, greener pathway.“Devastating public spending cuts, of the sort announced today, are not ‘unavoidable.’ They are not an

Monday, June 21, 2010

Reencounter of the Original Peoples and Nationalities of Abya Yala in Ecuador

this is one view, I am sure there are others, an important event nonetheless...Reencounter of the Original Peoples and Nationalities of Abya Yala in Ecuador"> by Marc Becker Monday, 21 June 2010Representatives of the original peoples and nationalities of the

Groundhog Greenwash Day

It was Green Britain Day last week, brought to you by French energy giant EDF, Électricité de France. The message, plastered over billboards, newspapers and the Internet, was difficult to escape.Unfortunately for EDF, the enormous amount of publicity around the campaign included the voice of renewable energy provider Ecotricity, who exposed EDF for greenwash, and drew attention to the many

Wongkumarra Solidarity

Being Green Left indigenous liason officer is keeping me Dublin on friday and saturday so might be able to link up with these people, in the House of Commons and the Venezuelan Embassy next week as well to do with my post!Wongkumarra Solidarity Ireland The Australian Embassy is located at: Fitzwilton House, Wilton Terrace, Dublin 2 - just off Stephen's GreenWongkumarra Solidarity

No Shock Doctrine for Britain

One year after the Bagua massacre House of Commons event

I have never met Lord Avebury so I am particularly looking forward to saying hi, he has done sterling work defending the people of the Peruvian Amazon, he may be a Liberal Democrat but the hombre is a star!Venue: Committee Room 3, Palace of WestminsterPlease allow about 20 minutes to pass through security checks. Members of the public enter via the Visitors' Entrance, next to St Stephen's

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Open to all members of the Green Party of England and WalesIf you wish to join GL send a cheque for £5 (or more) to:Peter Murry (Acting GL Treasurer)18a Oxgate GardensLondon NW2 6EBPlease also complete and send the following with your chequeNAMEAddressGREEN PARTY MEMBERSHIP (name of Party)EmailPHONE/s Alternatively payments cam be made directly into the GL bank account (details below):acc name

Britannia oils the waves

When Barack Obama referred to a major UK-based criminal organisation by its former name, British Petroleum, a storm of outrage followed in the UK's corporate press and in the statements of Britain's Liberal and Conservative politicians. They strenuously denied the US President's outrageous implication that BP, the destroyer of lives, livelihoods and the environment, is a British company; while at

Cuts “destructive and unnecessary” says new report

Cuts “destructive and unnecessary” says Green Party leaderNew report proposes tax-based alternative to spending cuts – and calls for massive investment in job-creation Green Party leader Caroline Lucas MP will this week tell the coalition government there is “no good reason for any cuts in public expenditure during the life of this parliament.”On Monday 21 June Britain’s first Green MP is to

Saturday, June 19, 2010

World cup censors football protest

Thousands of people 'disappeared' killed by the military in Argentina....the football squad marked this but were banned.The World Cup is a festival of Budweiser, compassion and care are ruthlessly suppressed.Its been taken off of youtube I believe as well.Darren just sent me thisFrom an Argentine socialist:Dear friends, I am attaching a picture of the Arg World Cup Team holding a banner in

Friday, June 18, 2010

10 Most Well-Known Addresses in the World

Sheryl Owen asked me to share a post, 10 Most Well-Known Addresses in the World from her blog here. The first thing that struck me off about it was that the 4th best known address in the world, and the first outside of the U.S., was 221B Baker Street in London, home of the Sherlock Holmes Museum. I used to have an office in London down the street from there. I would pass it every day. It was never all that busy-- not in the mornings, not at lunch time, not in the evenings, not in the summer and not in the winter. It wasn't deserted. It just wasn't a big deal. And it's better known than 10 Downing Street? And no Kremlin? Tiananmen Square? Masjid al-Haram, home of the Kaaba? The UN? [UPDATE: Bruce Tenenbaum e-mailed me three minutes after this was posted and asked where the Taj Mahal is on the list. Good question.]

Well, thank God there's nothing in Las Vegas listed. My next stop is Marrakesh and I would have thought the Djemaa el Fna would at least be as well known as... 221 B Baker Street. Their post:

We thought it would be interesting to put together a list of the 10 most popular and/or well-known addresses in the World.  Now the tenants in several of these addresses (at least #1) change on a regular basis, but the fact that these addresses are significant does not change.  The structures and history surrounding each of these will keep them well known for years to come.

1. 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington DC-- This is the address where arguably the World’s most powerful man lives: the President of the United States. Known as the White House, it is located in Washington, DC and it is a national treasure.

2. 11 Wall Street New York, NY-- This is home of the New York Stock Exchange.  Tourists travel here year-round to visit the charging bull statue and to take in the hustle and bustle of one of the financial centers of the world.

3. 350 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10118-- This is where the previous world’s tallest building stands: the Empire State Building. It’s 102 stories high, and is a world-famous attraction for tourists and locals alike.   In addition, it is featured in several Hollywood movies.

4. 221 B Baker St, London, England-- This is the address to the Sherlock Homes Museum (given the address in March of 1990).  When the Sherlock Holmes series of books were written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, street numbers in London mostly stopped at 100 and even to this day the Museum’s address is out of sequence on the block.  That didn’t stop it though from becoming one of the most popular addresses of all time.

5. Tour Eiffel Champ de Mars, Paris-- Paris’s number one attraction is this address where the Eiffel Tower stands. For tourists, going to Paris is never complete unless you’ve been here. At night, there are beautiful lights you can’t help but stare at.

6. 4059 Mt Lee Dr. Hollywood, CA 90068-- This is the exact address where the Hollywood sign stands. It’s a mountain, but is now a preserved site to prevent its destruction. It’s featured frequently in Hollywood movies as well.

7. Buckingham Palace, London, England-- The most famous place in the United Kingdom. This palace is where the royal family lives and is often a place of attraction because of its important and beauty. It’s very old and retains its classic yet elegant look.

8. Statue of Liberty, Liberty Island New York, NY 10004-- This is yet another attraction in New York, the Statue of Liberty.  This is a symbol of America’s open arms and welcomed many immigrants into the country.  It’s known around the world and a top tourist destination in the U.S.

9. Manager Square, Bethlehem, West Bank--The Church of the Nativity is located here and this is a very well known and holy site for Christians from around the World.  This is cherished as the site where the baby Jesus was born and laid in the manger.

10. 2 Macquarie Street, Sydney-- This is the most popular place in Australia, the Opera House. Here, you can watch plays, operas, etc. and enjoy the beauty of the place at the same time. It’s a must-see if you’re in Australia and is no doubt the most recognized place in Australia.

It’s actually difficult to stop with just 10 famous addresses from around the World there are so many great places to go and visit and addresses that are extremely important to individual nations and to various religious groups. There are lots of honorable mentions from the Vatican to the world’s tallest building in Dubai, we hope you spend a few minutes to think about all the addresses that you think should be in the top 10 of the World.

Green Left advances

Had this from Joseph HealyThe Green Left AGM is being held tomorrow at the Lucas Arms in Gray's Inn Road, London. It will be four years since Green Left was formed and I was one of the founder members. I am currently the male Co-Convenor and have held that post for the last two years but will not be standing for re-election at the AGM. Instead I will be standing for the position of Secretary and

Thursday, June 17, 2010

'Cuts will kill' Tories plan to sack all tube drivers

RMT slams 'lethal and unworkable' Tory plan to axe all tube drivers and operators in a dash for cuts TUBE UNION RMT tonight condemned “lethal and unworkable” plans leaked to the BBC from within the GLA Tory Group to axe all train drivers and operators on London Underground and to move the entire tube system to a driverless operation.The leaked report, confirmed as being under discussion by the

BP picket

A reminder that weekly pickets are continuing outside BP, the latest is today at 5pm: St James Square, London.Nearest tubes Green Park & Picadilly CircusPlease come along and support, also cascade to any anti-BP activists.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Poster by Istvan Orosz

Pentagon goes green

The news that the Pentagon is using biofuels for its fighter jets shows that 'greenwash' reaches every area of society:'President Obama recently extolled the military's endeavors to reduce its fuel consumption via biofuel-using technologies, specifically the Navy's FA/18 fighter jet, nicknamed the Green Hornet due to its putative eco credentials, and the Marine Corp's Light Armored Vehicle.(4)

Monday, June 14, 2010

Dr Wall has a rare green business moment

Like the fact they have banned palm oil, I don't think green business are generally green but good for Lush.Must post more videos especially from Johnny Cash, wish he was still alive and fighting for the workers and indigenous.

Refugees are not here to scrounge off our welfare system'

Jean Lambert, the Green MEP for London, has today marked Refugee Week by urging people to celebrate the “invaluable contribution” refugees bring to life in the UK. The aim of Refugee Week is to challenge misconceptions about refugees through awareness-raising events, while show casing the many ways in which the UK has benefited from their diverse skills. One of the biggest myths is that the UK

Caroline Lucas 'Education is a right that should be available to all'

Letter to the GuardianWith fees already at an eye-watering £3,225 a year, it's unaccept able for David Willetts to indicate that tuition fees may rise. We are creating a generation of students who will have crushing debt levels for at least a decade after graduating. Education is a right that should be available to all, regardless of income. If we had a fair and progressive taxation system then

John Reynolds: 'build a people's movement that is capable of fighting back against devastating cuts in jobs and services'

Bronx State Senate Candidate John Reynolds Speaks Out"Poor and working class communities throughout the Bronx are under siege," Reynolds said, "and we urgently need to put aside narrow partisan and personal agendas to build coalitions across long-standing racial, ethnic, and geographic divides in this borough so as to build a people's movement that is capable of fighting back against devastating

Sunday, June 13, 2010


My sources suggest it is possible that two or three Green TDs will hang on because of local support and distance from the Fianna Fali government but it could be total wipe Dublin soon to help launch a new Green Party, the present Green Party from support for biofuels to motorway building and huge cuts has been a disaster.These poll results are disastrous for the Green Party and the

Hollywood Green award won by Amazon indigenous

This warms my heart usually this kind of thing is total bullshit, not this time, Take note of her wise words and take action!Not sure why the 2009 awards are only on video now though!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Enlightened self-interest in the Amazon

Ray has put together some links on the Peru Amazon struggle....useful, spread the word.The Struggle of the Indigenous People of the Amazon Rainforest in Peruto preserve the precious rainforest and their way of lifeBy Ray BeckermanI am going to collect links here to sources of information about this important and heroic struggle. The fight these beautiful people are waging is not just for

Mockus not quite a Green Party super-hero?

This is interesting but critical, I guess Mockus is not really my kind of green and he has been criticised on environment and justice, however I still think his rise is a spectacular good news story and I think he is an extremely interesting political figure. Colombia is famed for its corruption, violence and the use of death squads against workers and indigenous people...that's why Cameron and

Paramilitaries attack peace convoy with vital provisions

Noel Lynch kindly sent me this via SchnewsA caravan of international human rights activists was ambushed this week as it headed into the besieged region of San Juan Copala in Mexico. The caravan, consisting of members from Finland, Germany, Italy and Belguim as well as Mexican indigenous rights groups and worker's unions, was forced to turn back after the paramilitary group Ubisort blockaded the

Friday, June 11, 2010

Mumia Abu-Jamal on 'Before BP'

BEFORE BP[col. writ. 6/3/10] (c) '10 Mumia Abu-Jamal BP didn't begin as BP. Indeed, it didn't begin as British Petroleum.In 1908, it was known as the Anglo-Persian Oil Company, and it exploited Iran's natural resources and labor ruthlessly. Majority shares of the company were owned by the British government, and Iran offered a rich yield for APOC. In 1947 for example, the company pulled in

Urgent appeal from Amnesty to stop killing of indigenous and theft of their land

Ley de ConsultaAmnesty International Campaign Law on the Right of Indigenous People to ConsultationLast year following the events in Bagua, the Peruvian government issued a statement to the international community, via its Embassies, which stated that "Peru has a long tradition and constitutional commitment for the protection and promotion of human has actively supported various

Derek goes to Dublin for new Green network

I have been invited to speak at the first meeting of the Emerald Forum in Dublin on 26th June.The Emerald Fourm is the bases of a new green political network set up by former members of the Irish Green Party.I have been invited by Pat Kavaghn the Independent Green Councillor from Wicklow.I believe members of the independent Green Party of Donegal will be along.As often in Irish politics critical

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

John McDonnell withdraws Diane Abbott gets on ballot

John has fallen on his sword, at least some of his supporters have nominated Diane Abbott and she is now on the ballot.So Diane, two guys called Miliband, Ed Balls and Andy Burnham are going for it, if my sources buried deep in the dinosaur they call the Labour Party are accurate.33 MPs as a condition is far from democratic.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

You are the fish. You are the tortoise. You are the abundant ocean." Guru Granth Sahib

Jagdeesh Singh is a well known Slough based campaigner and someone I value as a friend and is part of the local activist network in East Berkshire please listen to his appeal and spread the word.Dear people: "You are the fish. You are the tortoise. You are the abundant ocean." Guru Granth Sahib Whilst BP officials and their Chief Executive struts about assuring the world and the US President

take action to save Farai Maguwu, prisoner of Mugabe

just saw this!"Hi all,If you'd like to follow what is going on with my friend Farai's incarceration in Zimbabwe, here is Rishita's blog with all the information. first-written post includes instructions for notifying politicians. There are attempts through a human rights lawyer to get Amnesty on the case.Farai Maguwu is the director of the Center for

Stop the Great Nuclear Rip Off!

closing schools and cutting pay so they have enough cash for nuclear power, its expensive, dangerous and creates waste that will be radioactive for millions of years...but its advocates argue it is as green as biofuels and as save as the British banking sector. Demonstrate outside the Nuclear Industry Forum, London, Tues 15 JuneTuesday 15 June, 2010, 8.30am – 10am, One Whitehall Place (adj. to

Escher again

Escher again by David Larcom

Monday, June 7, 2010

Howie Hawkins in New York 'we want to move the debate and elect some Greens'

Howie Hawkins has a fantastic history as an inspiring Green Party leader, now of course the USA is a far from democratic state, only two parties are welcome and even getting to stand can involve huge amounts of work.Please let people know about the hard work of Howie and the other New York Greens.

Israel Naval officers say flotilla organisers not to blame

Israeli Navy officers have attacked their government's version of events related to last week's capture of flotilla ships in international waters.They said Sunday the raid was doomed from the beginning, and should be blamed on whoever ordered it and the top commanders. It was wrong for the government to blame the organizers of the flotilla, they said.In a letter to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin

Zionist thugs beat up 86 year old peace activist

A disaster was averted on June 5 at Tel-Aviv’s Museum Square, when rightists threw a smoke grenade into the middle of the protest rally, obviously hoping for a panic to break out and cause the protesters to trample on each other. But the demonstrators remained calm, nobody started to run and just a small space in the middle of the crowd remained empty. The speaker did not stop talking even when

What should the Greens be doing next?

While there is a long way to go for the Green Party, Caroline Lucas's electoral triumph is hugely inspiring for party activists and the left as a whole. But where do the Greens go next? Membership and activity are rising fast, but to make a real difference the stark realities of power need to be faced. Without democratic reform it will be challenging - although not impossible - to elect more MPs.

Nuits Carrees poster

Poster of the musical festival Nuits Carrees 2010

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Bilderberg list

There is a lot of anti-semitic conspiracy bs written about the Bilderbergs.The National Front founder A.K.Chesterton was obssessed with them and waxed at length linking them bizarrely to Jewish members of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, race mixing, the fall of the British Empire in his book The New Unhappy Lords.The madder monetary reformers are obssessed with them to.I don't think they

Daisy Zapata Aidesep acting leader speaks to US Congress

Daisy Zapata - Indigenous leader of Peru at US House hearing from Peruanista on Vimeo.

Greens on 16% in shock poll

well its Australia but they have an AV system which we may get and are impacting....something for Green Party of England and Wales members to learn from.Green Left Weekly is wonderful must blog their stuff regularly.In recent weeks, the big mining companies have spent millions on propaganda against plans to make them pay more tax. But the results of a June 1 Newspoll showed they have hardly made

BP oil spill re-enacted by cats in one minute

A bit silly, a bit too much mention of marmalade and can we all blithly give up our cars, well I don't have a car but in many places the public transport is non existent....amusing nonetheless.The people who did this seem to have lots of other cat videos...

Saturday, June 5, 2010

George Galloway says it like it is

I am not always a George fan but he does amazing stuff on a good day!

The Jewish boat to Gaza is sailing soon

The Jewish boat to Gaza is sailing soon Press release, June 4, 2010 In a harbour in the Mediterranean (we're not yet disclosing which one) a small vessel is waiting for a special mission. She will be sailing to Gaza. In order to avoid sabotage, the exact date and name of the port of departure will be announced only shortly before her launch. "Our purpose is to call an end to the siege of Gaza, to

Amnesty appeal for Peru massacre action

A year ago, on 5 June 2009, a protest by Indigenous people against the exploitation of natural resources on lands traditionally occupied by them ended in the deaths of 33 people. Over 200 more were wounded when the protest, which had been going on for 50 days on the stretch of road known as the Curva del Diablo leading to Bagua and Bagua Grande in Amazonas department, Peru, was broken up by

Naomi Klein speaks out against the killings

Adventure Quest Worlds

Screenshots from the online RPG game Adventure Quest Worlds with Escher's Waterfall and endless staircase.

Killed for supporting World Environment Day June 5th

Defend the forests and you deserve to die.Make money out of neo-liberal bullshit and like Tony Blair you get paid as a green advisor.Don't forget Bagua!They died protecting your planet!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Letter from Mockus to Polo Democratic

Polo Democratic has criticised the Colombian Green Party, however there are some constructive exchanges of views going on between these two parties.Just had this from MockusLetter response to Democratic Pole Alternativo Gustavo Petro Urrego, Former Candidate Clara Lopez Obregon, President Polo Democrático Alternativo: We appreciate your communication of June 1 and participation in the meeting

Caroline Lucas puts Israel on the spot in House of Commons

In one of my first opportunities to ask a question in Parliament, I asked Foreign Secretary William Hague whether the UK Government would put real action behind its words of holding Israel to account for allowing its troops to fire on the Free Gaza flotilla.As you probably know, this was a convoy of ships carrying volunteers and essential medical supplies to Gaza.Several people were killed or

Send Israel a message Emergency National Demonstration, Saturday 5th June

Emergency National Demonstration, Saturday 5th JuneTo show our outrage at the brutal and illegal actions of the Israeli Government, PSC along with CND, Stop the War, British Muslim Initiative, Friends of Al-Aqsa, Palestinian Forum of Britain and Viva Palestina have called an emergency demonstration for tomorrow - Saturday 5th June. The march will start from Downing Street at 1.30 pm and head to

Earthships in Brighton!

For courses/event details & bookings please ____________________________________ Some places still available: EARTHSHIP INSPIRATIONS, 10 years building in Europe.Saturday 19 June Brighton Media Centre Friese-Greene House, 15-17 Middle Street, Brighton, BN1 1AL This is a partnership event between Brighton Permaculture Trust, Earthbuilds Europe and the Low

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Eyewitness 'The exit wound blew away the back of his skull'

"A colleague from Viva Palestina, Nicci Enchmarch, was next to a Turkish man who was holding a camera. He was shot through the middle of the forehead. The exit wound blew away the back of his skull and she cradled him in her arms as he died."Horrifying account from Kevin Ovenden were the British activist on the Gaza peace flotilla.I am going on the demonstation in London on saturday, please come

Q’orianka Kilcher first interview after leaving jail on video

'The indigenous movement in Peru is very strong'Q'orianka Kilcher, Hollywood actor who played Pocahontas in the 2005 film The New World. She is also an outspoken activist on environmental and indigenous issues. This is her first interview after leaving jail, where she and her mum were imprisoned for taking direct action to defend the AmazonPlease please let people know about this.The indigenous

Pythagoras trees

Pythagoras trees by Jos de Mey

Impossible cube in clouds

Impossible cube in clouds by Jos de Mey

El mundo imposible

El mundo imposible by Jos de Mey

Raid at Eagle Rock shows 'they act on behalf of the money'

“It’s heartbreaking, it’s really disconcerting to feel the rights of the corporations have been put above and beyond the rights of the people,” said Amy Conover of Marquette, Mich. When politicians “get into power they don’t act on behalf of the people, they act on behalf of the money.”Indigenous people and their non native supporters set up a protest camp to oppose a sacred site being destroyed

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Reports of Israel brutalisation from flotilla activists

just had thisReports of MistreatmentReports of detained activists being mistreated by the Israeli authorities have already been emerging from those released earlier today and yesterday.The Guardian contains first hand accounts of the Israeli attack, and of activists being deprived of food, water and sleep while in captivity

'Killing someone is just because they have different beliefs?'

Eighty Ahmadiyya Muslims were killed in an attack by Sunni extremists, probably the Pakistan Taliban, last week.The Ahmadiyya believe that a new prophet appeared and because of this have suffered much persecution.Sunni extremists have also attacked Christians and Shi'a Muslims in Pakistan and in other parts of the world. In fact I have just seen news of Shias killed today in Pakistan.To find out

Pocahontas actress protests against Obama's meeting with killer

No blood for oil'Dead indigenous Mr President?' 'Its the American way and how we have built our prosperity, I am glad that it is now the way of Alan Garcia'.is what Obama might have said when he met the butcher of Bagua yesterday.Actress and activist Q’orianka Kilcher and her mother Siaska were detained after protesting against Peru’s president Alan Garcia who met with president Barack Obama at

National demonstation against Gaza peace flotilla attack this saturday

Had this from Palestine Solidarity Emergency National Demonstration Saturday 5th June The world has looked on aghast as more and more details emerge of the violent attack by the Israeli Government on the unarmed flotilla of boats carrying essential medical supplies to the besieged people of Gaza. Tens of people have been killed and scores more injured. Those who survived the brutal attack have

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Green Gone Wrong: Why most environmental solutions are based on lies.

Faced with the unprecendented threat of climate change, the contemporary world has turned to a solution that is all too prosaic—consumerism. The answer, we are told, is to “go green,” to buy organic food or even a new “clean” car. In a follow-up to her bestselling and acclaimed book Gone Tomorrow: The Hidden Life of Garbage, Heather Rogers travels from Paraguay to Indonesia, via the Hudson Valley

Israelis blind activist protesting against massacre

21 year old, USA citizen, Emily Henochowicz lost her left eye due to a tear gas bomb thrown by Israel border soldiers, which hit her in the face.Emily Henochowich, a Jewish-origin atheist, is an art student at Cooper Union in East Village, Manhattan. Henochowicz is currently in Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem undergoing surgery to remove her left eye.The Israeli explanation of being set upon by

Frame from animation film "Mind the steps!"

Frame from animation film "Mind the steps!" by Istvan Orosz

Mind the steps!

Animation film "Mind the steps!" by Hungarian artist Istvan Orosz.