Saturday, July 31, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
I always get lost in this mall
I always get lost in this mall by Dave Carpenter
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
Zwingende Logik
Zwingende Logik by Jung Norbert
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Low impact holiday
I am off to Eastbourne with my ninos manana.I do try not to fly, you can take all the lifestyle stuff too far and start moralising but I do think Greens need to stop flying as much as its train to the south coastHopefully the sunshine will continue for the next couple of days and we can get on the beach.Lots of exciting things happening including two new books projects I am going
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Nick Griffin 'he just ran off. What a coward'
“I asked Griffin: ‘Isn’t it about time you apologised to the Britishpeople for your party’s long history of anti-Semitism, homophobia andattacks on the Muslim community?’”“Griffin looked sheepish. He seemed stumped for an answer. I asked himagain. Then he just ran off. What a coward.It was so cool to see my good friend Peter Tatchell ambush Nick Griffen in Millbank, after that sad far rightest
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Indigenous philosophers' statement on the crisis on our planet
“Today, we are at a tipping point at which humanity is in danger of being removed from the cycles of Mother Earth. We bring this urgent message in response to indigenous women, youth and children from around the world who have consistently asked us to leave them a more balanced planet,” the statement reads. “We come as individuals from cultures whose authority originates from our unique
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Biance Jagger challenges Oliver Stone over 'South of the Border'
Went to the premiere yesterday. The high spot was the Q and A afterwards when Bianca Jagger challenged Oliver Stone to take on the corporations by making a film looking at the struggles of indigenous people against big oil, gas and mining.She made particular mention of the Bagua massacre and the struggles in Peru. Hugo Blanco the movie, I think.South of the Border is an informative and
Monday, July 19, 2010
Gay groups in Peru seek election alliance in wake of Argentina law
Just had this. Peru has an oil oligarchy, they open the rainforests and sell them off, those who get in the way are put under pressure. The UK government loves Latin Americans regimes that open up their resources to exploitation.Human rights is not a priority for people like President Alan Garcia. Nonetheless good to see LGBT people mobilising in the country.Gay groups in Peru seek election
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Caroline Lucas protests against killing of Green Party activist
Caroline Lucas, with other Green Party leaders in the Commonwealth, is urging action after the killing of the deputy leader of the Rwandan Green Party, Andre Kagwa Rwisereka.In the lead-up to Rwanda's presidential vote on the 9th August, the Democratic Green Party of Rwanda has been subject to harassment, intimidation, and death threats. Police have broken up party meetings, and the party has
Saturday, July 17, 2010
England has failed to qualify for the World Cup, a football nation is in crisis. Don Revie the ruthless architect of a new kind of football has been called from Leeds to manage the England team.His arch enemy, quick talking Brian Clough, has been asked into replace him at Leeds. Will this result in a car crash of epic but entertaining proportions? Could be.An excellent piece of drama and a
' I first heard the term ‘sub-prime’ in the summer of 2006 from a taxi driver. We spent some time talking about CDOs, how they were risk managed and the diffusion of complexity across the financial system that would inevitably lead to cascading failure. Neither of us put our money where our mouths were. But it goes to show that many people were lying later on when they said the failures were all
Friday, July 16, 2010
He shot them in the head.
The evidence is plain. Yes, David Cameron hugged the huskies in opposition. But as soon as he got into government, he walked them into the Downing Street garden, and shot them in the head.MORE HERE
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Pink smoke over the Vatican
Just been writing about religion and liberation with a nod to Salma Yaqoob, Marina Silva, the Hutterite Anabaptists, etc. Interesting little video above about the campaign for women priests in the Catholic Church....go for it girls! Came across it on this excellent radical Catholic website. I don't do god, although I have been known to do zazen, I am pretty sympathetic to attempts to link
Let Iroquois Lacrosse Team play in the UK!
Despite inventing the sport the Iroquois Lacrosse Team have been banned from traveling to Britain to play lacrosse. The Iroquois confederation have their own passports because they are nation, recognised by the US and Canada. The UK government don't recognise the Iroquois as a nation with a right to passports and of course to compete in the world contest you have to be a nation!Jonathan Kent, a
The frontline of the fight against climate change is the Peruvian Amazon and the people there are putting up a huge fight to stop the destruction of the rainforests. They have some varied and interesting supporters including the priest Paul MacAuley, my good friend and ex-Fourth International leader Hugo Blanco and a Hollywood actress Qorianka Kilcher. Over the border in Ecuador the 'leftist'
Oil industry sycophants, with their dollar store logic, are quick to tell us that oil spills are one of those 'unfortunate facts of life', like taxes in a market economy or Geraldo Rivera becoming a journalist.They're tragedies that we're just supposed to live with, they tell us. After all, 'We're only human. We all mistakes'.Maybe it's enough to explain a couple oil spills---like the one by that
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Peruvian court annuls expulsion order against rainforest Priest McAuley
My only slight pang about this, is that given the lack of success the British left has shown over the last couple of decades, we could probably do with Fr Paul McAuley over here to resist the destruction of the NHS, welfare state and all the chaos/poverty about to be unleashed by having the Economist editorial team in government.Nonetheless a victory. The Peruvian government work hard to destroy
'a Klansman at heart'
Robert C.Byrd a famed US Democrat Party Senator, died a couple of weeks ago. He was also a Klansman, Bill Clinton with his 'I didn't have oral sex with my intern' voice, which we all know and love, defends Byrd's KKK membership 'He was just a poor white boy, he didha know any betta'....Mumia has a slightly different take on this.Incidentally Mumia isn't allowed access to email, so he writes
Green MEP welcomes protection of seasonal workers
The video is from a while back but its a good introduction to Jean's strong stance on workers rights, I am really proud she is one on my parties MEPs.Jean Lambert, the Green MEP for London, has welcomed the EuropeanCommission’s proposal for a Directive on seasonal employment.Employers in sectors such as agriculture, horticulture and tourism areincreasingly dependent on people from countries
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Mumia Abu-Jamal ' la destrucion del planeta para el beneficio privado.'
My good amigoes and comrades have just translated Mumia's Social Forum message into Spanish, please send to your friend who speak Spanish.Queridos amigos en el Foro Social; Mientras escribo esto, se acaba de anunciar que la petro-multinacional, BP, ha fallado en su plan 'Top Kill', y el Golfo de México está siendo aun contaminado. Si alguna vez hubo un momento para seriamente cuestionar la
Mumia Abu-Jamal asks is Steele Too Real?
When Republican National Committee Chairman, Michael Steele recently said that the Afghanistan war, "Obama's war", was "unwinnable", a wave of Republican protests and calls for his resignation hit the shores of the RNC. "This is outrageous!" some thundered. "Mr Steele does our party a disservice!", harrumphed others. Steele, part of a tiny coterie of Black Republicans, has hit his
Symmetrical Landscape
Symmetrical Landscape by Ryan James Neal
USA demand for furniture threatens indigenous with death
Illegal mahogany loggers are plundering uncontacted Indians’ land in the depths of the Peruvian Amazon, according to a new report by the Upper Amazon Conservancy (UAC).The report says the logging ‘provides evidence that Peru is failing to uphold the environmental and forestry obligations of its 2009Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the US’ because ‘more than 80% of Peru’s mahogany (is) exported to
By 1983, fame and nearly constant drug use were having a bad effect on the duo. Marc Almond also formed the group Marc and the Mambas, featuring collaborations with The The's Matt Johnson and future Almond collaborator Annie Hogan, as an offshoot in order to experiment out of the glare of the Soft Cell spotlight. By 1984, the duo had amicably decided to end Soft Cell and released one final album
Ballad Of The Black Gold
“The fiscal, conservatives, don’t know what they purpose isPut money on the war then they cut your goods and servicesMurderous corporate monsters is breakin records, Exxonis at 40 billion a year, they rakin in record profits. Stop itHow they bankin while the auto industry is tankin?Leadership is sankin, oil pollution in the water stankinLoyalty, to petroleum royalty spoil the economyWe won’t get
Monday, July 12, 2010
Mumia Abu-Jamal 'Capitalism = Ecocide'
Mumia Abu-Jamal, inspired by the MOVE organisations radical ecology vision, has been a consistent advocate of ecosocialism.As far as I am concerned Mumia remains a prophetic voice, we must organise for Mumia's freedom but we need to spread his words, too many ignore them, he is a man who provides ideological leadership in a very particular sense.The left often over look the traditions that Mumia
Uncertain Smile
Used to love this in 1983. Fuck I was miserable in the 1980s but so was virtually everyone else under Thatchism.Great music do you not agree.Now why is politics in Britain making me go all 80s?From 'the synth-noir classic Soul Mining'
Bring Cochabamba to the Green Party conference
Apologies if you are not a member of the Green Party of England and Wales, this is a bit of internal business. The following motion for our conference in Birmingham could fall off the agenda....if you haven't done so, so far if you are a member please use the priorisation ballot to support it so that it can be discussed! Deadline is this thursday!If you don't know how this process works have a
Greens are on the Ballot in Texas but 'persecuted by an ongoing witchhunt'
"I've been disappointed to watch the Democratic Party leadership use the courts as a political and media arena. The Green Party is clearly within the limits of the law, and yet we and our supporters are being persecuted by an ongoing witchhunt. Our top priority now is to move forward with the 2010 campaign, and we hope that the Supreme Court will rule in a way that allows us to do so without
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Orangefest: from the Boyne to the Belfast shopping mall
Thought as it is now 12th July and the start of what in one part of the world is known as the 'marching season' I would encourage you to take a look at the work of one of my favourite ecosocialist bloggers.The James Young video above with a guest appearance by 'Orange Lil' is likely to be both offensive and incomprehensible to many of my usual observers but hey as Liam below argues so are the
Hong Kong: One Country, Two Different Identities

Tourism has been an important part of the Hong Kong economy for decades and the last figures I was able to find showed around 26 million visitors annually-- around half of whom come from Mainland China. I asked Sandra McAubre, who normally writes on the topic of sports management degree programs to do a guest post on the feelings of Hong Kong Chinese about the change of status of the former British crown colony. She welcomes your comments at her email id: Her post follows:
How does it feel to be born Chinese, raised the British way of life, and then go back to being Chinese all over again? For the middle-aged citizen of Hong Kong, this is a very real conundrum-- the tiny island nation which belongs to China was leased to the British in 1898 for a period of 99 years. And so in 1997, it was officially handed over to the Chinese with much pomp and splendor. How do you cope with going from capitalist to socialist society in the blink of an eye? Fortunately for the people of Hong Kong, the island is not governed by the rules of Mainland China; rather, it is called a Special Administrative District and is being run the way it was when it was under the British. And so they’re able to retain their British way of life even as they revert back to their Chinese identity.
If you were to visit both Hong Kong and China, you would not be able to visibly tell the difference in the way of life in both places, but if you lived in either or both of them for some time, I guess the difference would become obvious. The larger cities of China may seem to be going the cosmopolitan route and adopting the Western way of life, but underneath the suits and inside the swanky multi-storied skyscrapers runs the thread of communism, the administration that allows only one child a couple, punishes people who speak against the State, and runs the country with an iron hand. China has only polished its external appearance to keep pace with the rest of the world and open its doors to developers and multinationals who provide opportunities for the nation to grow and flourish. Beneath the tip of the iceberg is a nation that is still proudly socialistic and which closely guards its secrets.
The people of Hong Kong are free to lead open lives, say what they want, and do what they wish to within the confines of the law that existed over the past century. But because they are no longer British, there is some form of censorship, even if it is self-imposed, as if they were a little apprehensive about some invisible punishment. And perhaps they are justified in trying to adhere to the way of life that China follows because this special status expires in 50 years. With 13 of them are already gone, only time will tell whether Hong Kong will still remain the capitalist economic success that it is or if it will slowly be assimilated into socialistic China and be forced to accept a new way
of life.
I recently visited Hong Kong and was impressed with the efficiency of the nation (I’m still unable to accept it is a part of China), and I sincerely hope it retains its unique flavor that is part British and part Asian (I cannot say Chinese in all honesty), no matter how many years go by.
We will fight the 'stubborn appetite for our resources, water, wind, lives, lands'
'We call upon all brothers and all of the Other National and International Campaign and the national and international civil society to be attentive to the processes and struggles against neoliberalism that indigenous peoples all over the country are implementing.' Too much environmental action is tokenist, stressing personal sacrifice rather than struggle for structural change and fails to focus
MP too drunk to vote
Commons bars took a record £5,000 during the evening as taxpayer-subsidised Pimm’s, wine, beer and champagne flowed. Witnesses said a ‘significant number’ of MPs who took part in the Budget vote were either drunk or under the influence of alcohol.‘It was disgusting,’ said a female MP. ‘The chamber and the voting lobbies stank of booze and sweat.Tory MPs drank heavily, verbally abused staff and
Spanish bombs
I was in a bar in Dublin with people talking about their grand dads and great uncles in the International Brigade in Spain, a couple of weeks back. A socialist government was democratically elected in Spain so the right mounted a coup, the left fought back but were defeated. This helped pave the way for world war two and there was a similar scenario in Chile in 1973 when Allende was kicked out
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Emergency on planet Earth!
Good article from New Internationalist, we have an irrational economic system which is killing our planet....this is the core issue and we need to face it with courage and imagination.NATURE'S BOTTOM LINEEcological collapse is all around. But faith in economic growth as the only path to prosperity shows no sign of fading. Wayne Ellwood examines the folly of endless growth on a finite
Friday, July 9, 2010
Hollywood actress sentenced for opposing Amazon destruction and human rights abuse
Bullshit environmentalism, green consumerism, carbon trading, biofuels and all those responses which are plain wrong when it comes to the crisis on our planet....then you have the effective focussed action of a Hollywood actress, no wonder the authorities in the US convicted her.Do you world and future generations a favour follow her here.
Defend Mumia Abu-Jamal events in London
In 1995 I helped with a round the clock picket of the US Embassy in defence of Mumia when he was about to be executed....please support his struggle.In Prison My Whole LifeTuesday 20th July7pmKaribu Education Centre7 Gresham RoadBrixtonLondonSW9 7PHTickets on the Door£3A film about Mumia Abu-JamalA Father, A Journalist,A RevolutionaryAN INNOCENT MAN ON DEATH ROWIntroduction from the film narrator
By-election appeal from Adrian Ramsay
The by-election following the tragic death of Leicester Green Party Cllr Phil Gordon is on the 15th If anyone can help please contact Tom O'Connell atToconnell159 [at] aol.comThis is an update from Green Party deputy-leader Adrian Ramsay:Crucial Leicester by-election - final call for help!Leicester Green Party needs more help, particularly with canvassing, in the last few days of the campaign
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Greens win Brighton by-election, BNP loses in Barking
Well I was going to help with the Brighton by-election but unfortunately due to one thing and another including illness which is why I am awake at 4am incidentally, didn't make it.Lizzie Dean (Green) - 1,816Tom French (Lab) - 880Rob Buckwell (Con) - 365Trefor Hunter (Lib Dem) - 103Gerald O'Brien - 32Glad to see Lizzie Dean elected in the seat, which was Keith Taylor's before he moved on to become
Caroline Lucas helps win reprieve for rainforest priest
'Thank you for your email and letting me know about this case. I have written personally to the Peruvian authorities and very much hope they will reconsider the decision to deport Brother Paul McAuley. I agree that he appears to be facing this treatment because of his extensive campaigning to protect the Amazon and its inhabitants and that it is important to take action to ensure his and other
PICKET IN SUPPORT OF GAZA PROTESTORSOver 100 people were arrested last year after demonstrating against the Israeli invasion of Gaza. Seventy-eight were charged with violent disorder, and many were given deterrent sentences of up to two and a half years for as little as throwing a plastic bottle. Almost all of those charged are very young and from Muslim backgrounds. (SEE
Monday, July 5, 2010
'Green' priest will not go
Paul Mac Auley challenged the government's decision to cancel his permit of residence for supporting protests in favor of the environment.The English priest Paul Mac Auley, an advocate of ecology, announced that the Peruvian government's decision gives a deadline for leaving the country for participating in protests in favor of the environment in Amazonia."I do not know sure what I am accused of,
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Guest blog on Polish elections from Adam E Pogonowski
Adam is a Green Party councillor in Cambridge and a Green Left member, he has kindly contributed this on a breaking story."The affirmation of homosexuality will lead to the downfall of civilization. We can't agree to it". - Jaroslaw Kaczynski Glad to see this bigoted man (who allegedly is a homosexual himself, if rumour is to be believed) - -
Committee to defend rainforest priest Paul McAuley formed in Peru
A campaign has been launched in Peru to halt the extradition of Catholic priest Paul McAuley...just had this from a tweet by the Hollywood actress Q'orianka Kilcher...the rubbish translation is of course mine and googles. The indigenous in the Peruvian Amazon are of course well organised and have able support from indigenous outside of the forests and other supporters. Peru: activities start
Impossible firtree
Impossible firtree by István Orosz
India Finally Has A Modern Airport Terminal
The first time I flew into Kolkata's Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose International Airport (formerly Dum Dum Airport) the city was still called Calcutta. It had been the capital of British India until 1912 and today it's the capital of West Bengal and the third biggest city in India with a population of 15 million-- give or take. The airport had the torpid, languid feel of the Raj with long, slow-moving lines and devoid of any hustle or any bustle. It's about a step and a half up from a primitive tropical airstrip. Roland was just there a few months ago again and he said it hadn't changed a bit (although there's a new terminal "being built." In India everything is "being built.")
Kolkata's airport may be the silliest, but it is hardly the only silly airport. A few years ago I was so mortified by a few hours of chaos at Delhi Airport that I wrote a quickie post about the experience. Robyn Meredith's classic bestseller comparing development in India and China, The Elephant and the Dragon, uses the pace of airport development in the two countries as a metaphor for the advances made in China and the plodding, endemic backwardness of India. Largely due to Chinese authoritarianism-- and Indian democracy-- China has surged light years ahead in infrastructure. In India, writes Meredith, "companies must navigate antiquated customs processing, variations in taxes and byzantine rules for transporting goods between Indians states in addition to the crumbling highways, decrepit airports, and what-me-worry ports... Progress on India's development projects is on again, off again, as if ambivalent India still can't decide whether it wants to be part of the modern world. The city of Bangalore's airport is a prime example. Originally built in 1942, the airport has changed little in the past sixty-plus years. It's white tile floors, poorly lit corridors, and shabby stained chairs-- needed for the long wait at the lounge conveyor belt-- make the airport look as if it belonged in the developing world. One might find a thin airport worker leaning against the wall, asleep, or another staffer eating his dinner at a table set up near passport control, not far from a neatly stacked pile of fifteen-foot-long tree branches. A rumpled red carpet, held in place with duct tape, shows the way outside, where a crowd of perhaps 250 people-- waiting relatives, taxi drivers, hotel touts-- mill about at nearly any time of night or day... The Chinese government's drive to build superior physical infrastructure-- tens of thousands of miles of highways and modern airports-- allowed China to dominate manufacturing exports. Without high-capacity, dependable modern infrastructure, the world's sophisticated supply chains simply don't work." Writing in 2007 Meredith pointed out that although "China's big cities already have new airports, the nation intends to spend more than $17 billion in order to build over forty additional airports by 2010." This morning when I work up it was big news that India's capital finally has a modern airport terminal.
Frequent travelers to India are in for quite a shock the next time they fly in to New Delhi's international airport with its new state-of-the-art terminal.
For years, arrivals at Delhi's main airport were greeted by the grim sight of dingy walls, dim lighting, congested counters and the smell of overflowing toilets when they went near a washroom.
But now, with the new Terminal 3, a futuristic 2.7-billion-dollar facility in glass-and-steel, the capital finally has a showcase airport that chimes with India's global aspirations.
The sky-lit terminal, one of the world's largest, "signals the arrival of a new India, committed to joining the ranks of modern industrialized nations," Premier Manmohan Singh said at the inauguration ceremony on Saturday.
Sprawling over four square kilometres (1.5 square miles), the terminal was completed by an Indian-led consortium in just 37 months-- a huge achievement in a country where major infrastructure projects regularly run years over schedule.
"India has never been recognised as able to build an infrastructure project on time, but we have demonstrated that we are capable of beating anyone else-- and on this massive scale," said Aviation Minister Praful Patel.
That remains to be seen and I'm not counting on what optimistic India boosters are calling a "game changer." It took them longer to finally throw up a modern terminal in their capital city than for China to build forty new airports! "Improving India's famously decrepit infrastructure-- crumbling roads, shabby airports, ramshackle railways and ports and erratic power supply-- is critical to accelerating growth, economists say... But infrastructure bottlenecks are seen as the main barrier to propelling growth to the double-digit levels the government says are a pre-requisite for dragging hundreds of millions of Indians out of poverty. The airport terminal 'highlights our country's resolve to bridge the infrastructure deficiencies in our country,' Singh said." I sincerely doubt it.
Earth First! Salford solidarity
Activists from Earth First! are in court again on Monday facing criminal charges following their peaceful protests at Barton Moss in Irlam. (article about the previous court date and background)There will be another solidarity demo and Salford Greens have self-organised to attend, please feel free to come down and show your support.We are meeting with
Nick Clegg lies video
Amazing!Can't see them getting very many MPs at the next General Election. And Nick Clegg has virtually no prospect of being re-elected in his Sheffield constituency.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Ecosocialist report from the land of the unfree on the US Social Forumby Gary Yeritsian———-My decision to attend the 2010 US Social Forum, in spite of the heavy travel and hotel costs, was primarily motivated by the desire to assess the state of the grassroots environmental/climate movement in this country. To that end, all the workshops I
Protest against 'death squad' President's visit to Downing Street
Colombia's Indigenous Protest Against Uribe - Protest Colombia’s president-elect Santos 11am – 1.30pm Monday 5 Julyoutside Downing Street, Whitehall London SW1 On Monday 5 July, Juan Manuel Santos, president elect of Colombia, will meet with British premier David Cameron. Santos, like Cameron, comes from the elite, the new president is from one of country’s the richest families, owners of El
Voice of the Forest radio reports 'indigenous "Awajun" offer its territory to shelter Paul McAuley '
This is from 'Voice of the Forest' radio, incidentally the Peruvian government are trying to close down rainforest radio stations, there is an atmosphere of repression against all who attempted to stop the destruction of the Amazon, aided of course by British politicians who say nothing about this. At least the horrible Chris Bryant MP is no longer in post at the Foreign Office, dare say the
Tony Blair hired by 'death squad president.'
'Santos' relationship with Blair dates back to 1999, when the Colombian politician worked with the then-U.K. leader on book called "The Third Way: An Alternative for Colombia."Santos is expected to meet with current U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron on Monday. In addition to visiting the U.K., Santos will also reportedly visit Germany, Spain, France, Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama, Chile and Peru, in
Interesting that these people were involved in the English Defence League, which claims to reject racism, Libcom takes up the story.The massed ranks of the Aryan Strike Force (ASF) and the British Freedom Force (BFF) have suffered a body blow as ‘Wigan’ Mike Heaton and Trevor ‘Fist’ Hannington have been sent down for racist comments posted on the internet.At Liverpool Crown today Michael Heaton
Friday, July 2, 2010
The struggle for the morning star continues
Green Left Weekly = essential, this is their report on the indigenous struggle in West Papua, same story human rights abuse, ecocide, enclosure and resistance by brave people.Indonesian military forces have stepped up their campaign of repression in West Papua in recent months. But leaders of the Free Papua Movement (OPM) continue to defy Indonesian demands to surrender.The campaign for West
GREEN MEP CELEBRATES 40 YEARS OF THE GAY LIBERATION FRONT AT PRIDE LONDONJean Lambert, London’s Green Party MEP, will join over one million peopleexpected at Pride London 2010 this Saturday, July 3rd, to celebrate 40 yearssince the founding of the Gay Liberation Front [1].Speaking ahead of the Pride London parade [2], Jean Lambert MEP commented:“I am proud to support this important celebration of
Indigenous leader Alberto Pizango returns home to continue the fight for the Amazon
AIDESEP, July 1, 2010. Accompanied by members of the Shawi, Cocama - Cocamilla Awajún and Achuar, the Apu Alberto Pizango Chota, president of AIDESEP, reached Yurimaguas and reiterated his demand that the indigenous people should have their decisions, ancestral customs respected The government authorities, he insisted, must undertake sincre dialogue to understand that the development they
Green priest expelled by greedy government
As the greenwash continues those who actually work for the environmenta and justice face repression.I have just heard that the Peruvian government are expelling a British Roman Catholic priest originally from Portsmouth who helped indigenous people stop part of the Amazon being stolen by oil companies.The drive to kill our planet and wreck the lives of indigenous people continues apace and I am
AV referendum will stop proportional representation for a generation
The referendum on the AV voting system, is likely to rob the Green Party of significant political representation for a generation. Frankly we don't have a generation, we have run out of generations, the ecological crisis is here now.If voters support AV we lose and if voters support the existing system we lose.Sold as voting reform AV is not a fair or proportional voting system.Without
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Tate oil slick action
Missed this was down the road with the Peruvian diplomats getting shirty because I would not shake hands cos of the people killed by their government to get oil out of the Amazon.
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