Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Dominican Republic to abolish indigenous people

Just got this from Intercontinental Cry

A new piece of legislation has been proposed in the Dominican Republic that would effectively erase the country's Indigenous population---the Taino.

According to a recent article on Dominican Today, the "Dominican Republic Electoral Law Reform" Bill identifies just three ethnicities for the country's new citizen ID cards. Those ethnicities are

Osborne biofuel expansion will kill!

Dear friends,the UK Government is consulting on the level of subsidies for all types of electricity which they class as renewable – including biomass power stations and electricity from biofuels (including palm oil). Their proposal is to continue to support biomass on an unlimited scale – even more than at present as far as co-firing of biomass with coal is concerned. They also propose  to

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Economic Democracy for the Occupy generation

A number of us are supporting a motion to support Economic Democracy for the next Green Party conference in the spring,  Peter Tatchell has set the ball rolling and thanks to his work we now have the following proposal:

To help prevent a repeat economic meltdown, we need greater economic democracy, participation, transparency, decentralisation and accountability. There are four ways we could

Impossible triangles

Impossible triangles  

by Eduardo Gusmão

I Hope You Used Up All Those American Frequent Flier Miles-- I Wish I Had

AMR filed for bankruptcy early this morning in New York City. Their Frequent Flier miles are now what is called "a general unsecured claim" and it's far from certain that they'll be useable. Or maybe they'll make a deal-- like a million miles for an upgrade to business class or an extra checked bag-- maybe even a roundtrip on a day you don't want to fly to a destination you would never want to go. Rothschild, Inc., one of the sleaziest and most predatory Wall Street financial firms anywhere in the world is their financial advisor. Rothschild specializes in advising their clients how to screw everyone, especially consumers. From their press release:
"But as we have made clear with increasing urgency in recent weeks, we must address our cost structure, including labor costs, to enable us to capitalize on these foundational strengths and secure our future. Our very substantial cost disadvantage compared to our larger competitors, all of which restructured their costs and debt through Chapter 11, has become increasingly untenable given the accelerating impact of global economic uncertainty and resulting revenue instability, volatile and rising fuel prices, and intensifying competitive challenges.

"Our Board decided that it was necessary to take this step now to restore the Company's profitability, operating flexibility, and financial strength. We are committed to working as quickly and efficiently as possible to appropriately restructure American so that it can emerge from Chapter 11 well-positioned to assure the Company's long term viability and its ability to compete effectively in the marketplace," Horton stated.

Sounds like the first target will be the airline's labor unions. Bloomberg reminds us that American was the last major airline in the United States to resist filing for Chapter 11 in an effort to shed contracts, a move that analysts said left it less nimble than many of its competitors. They had to sit out "a round of mergers that dropped it from the world’s largest airline to No. 3 in the U.S."

They'll be operating normally and they claim that they'll honor all Frequent Flier miles. Board chair Gerard Arpey is retiring and Thomas Horton has been named new chairman and chief executive. Last year American was the only major carrier not to turn a profit and looks like it will announce losing numbers for 2011 as well.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Impossible board game

Impossible board game  

by Zomboy

Don't ask is Ferguson a racist? (because he will sue your arse!)

Niall Ferguson is suing over the review of his latest book on the imperial legacy (see below).  Empires work by stealing peoples land, removing their rights and then lying about what has happened.  You can call this civilization if you like

You can judge Ferguson by this on indigenous peoples in America, where he notes simply:

The Apache and the Navajo had all sorts of admirable traits.

Saturday, November 26, 2011


I have decided to support this motion to go to the next Green Party of England and Wales conference in the spring.


This conference believes that the Green Party England Wales (GPEW) shares
many positive common aims and objectives with individual Trade Unions and
the Trade Union movement as a whole in defending workers conditions and

Reversed World

Reversed World  

by Strimmer

Impossible construction

Impossible construction  

by Fineasapie



by Andreas Aronsson

Visit Ancient, Exotic Mali? Safety Revisited

Amanar restaurant, smack in the center of Timbuktu

Almost 3 years ago to the week, I posted a story I wrote from Mali, How Safe Is Mali For American Tourists? At the time, I concluded that it was very safe and I even made light of the State Department prohibition on Peace Corp volunteers traveling to Timbuktu or anywhere north of there-- not that really is anything other than the vast wastes of the Sahara Desert north of there anyway. But Timbuktu is one of the best destinations in Mali and a major reason to travel to that country. Turns out, though, the State Department knew what they were talking about. Four tourists were kidnapped from a central Timbuktu restaurant, Amanar, in broad daylight and one was executed when he refused to get into the kidnappers' truck in front of the restaurant. The dead man was German and the three now missing are from Sweden, Holland and South Africa. The government of Mali ordered a plane to evacuate foreigners back to Bamako, the capital.
Until a few years ago, Timbuktu was one of the most visited destinations in Africa, but it is now one of the many former tourist hotspots in Mali that have been deemed too dangerous to visit by foreign embassies because of kidnappings by the local chapter of al-Qaida.

Friday's incident comes after two French citizens were grabbed in the middle of the night from their hotel in the Malian town of Hombori on Thursday. French judicial officials have opened a preliminary investigation into their kidnappings.

Neither kidnapping has yet been claimed by al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb, or AQIM, whose members have kidnapped and ransomed more than 50 Europeans and Canadians since 2003.

If Friday's kidnapping is by AQIM, it will mark the first time they have taken a hostage inside of Timbuktu's city limits. Thursday's kidnapping would be another first-- the first hostage taking south of the Niger River.

In October the State Department issued a new travel alert warning against all travel to the north of the country due to kidnapping threats against Westerners.
The Department of State notes that the U.S. Embassy in Bamako has designated northern regions of Mali as "restricted without prior authorization" for purposes of travel by U.S. government employees, contractors, grantees, and their dependents.  Prior to traveling to these areas, U.S. government employees in Mali are required to have the written approval of the U.S. Ambassador to Mali. This designation is based on the presence of AQIM, as well as banditry in the region. This restriction does not apply to travelers who are not associated with the U.S. government, but should be taken into account when planning travel. The restriction is in effect for the regions of Kidal, Gao, and Timbuktu.

U.S. citizens are specifically reminded that these areas include the Timbuktu site of the popular Festival au Desert music festival, as well as the sites in the regions of Kidal and Gao where many other musical and cultural festivals are traditionally held between December and February. It should be noted that-- in addition to the potential terrorist and criminal threats-- these festivals are located in particularly remote locations, and the Malian authorities would have extreme difficulty rendering assistance should an emergency occur at any of them.

And it isn't only the U.S. State Department warning tourists away from Mali. European countries have been telling their nationals since April that Mali is too dangerous to visit.
• We advise against all travel to the northern provinces of Mali. This includes the provinces of Kidal, Gao, Koulikoro (north of Mourdiah), Ségou (north of Niono), Tombouctou (including the city of Tombouctou (Timbuktu)), Mopti, and areas bordering Mauritania east of Nioro in the Kayes province.

• There is a high threat from terrorism in Mali. Terrorists have been involved in kidnaps in the region, on a number of occasions leading to the murder of the hostages.  We believe that further kidnap attempts are likely.

• On 19 April the Embassy of France in Bamako (Mali) alerted its nationals of a “very high risk” of being kidnapped in Mali and Niger particularly between the city of Mopti and the border with Burkina Faso.

• There have been reports of kidnap threats against westerners attending festivals in Mali.  The festival in Anderamboukane, which takes place in an area of Mali that we advise against all travel to was postponed earlier in the year due to security concerns. In 2009 a British national who attended this festival was subsequently kidnapped and murdered. Bookings are already being taken for 2012 festivals in areas of northern Mali to which we currently advise against all travel.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Classic impossible figures

Images by Joao Rod (Hamol)

Monday, November 21, 2011

Impossible building

Impossible building  

by Alexander Muzychenko

Impossible construction

Impossible construction  

by Hypics

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Anamorphic images of impossible figures

Anamorphic images of impossible figures by Denis Bryantsev

Feed the world tour continues!

November 20 Glasgow Hosted by Scottish Socialist Party 2pm, Creation Studios16 Trongate Glasgow G1 5EU

November 21 Newcastle hosted by Newcastle University International Development Society, 6pm at Room 2.22 at the Old Library Building (Research Beehive), Newcastle University ( entrance from Queen Victoria Rd near and opposite RVI – also possible from Claremont Rd or Claremont Walk.

Screenshots from ColecoVision console game Illusions

Saturday, November 19, 2011

SwirlySpace logo

Logo of SwirlySpace company

Friday, November 18, 2011



CWU Bristol Branch Secretary Dave Wilshire said:

"'Occupy Bristol' and our Bristol Capita members are fighting the same battle. Capita is a money-rich employer that is

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Arundhati Roy speaks to occupy (video) please share

Going to be writing about her book on the war in India, 'Broken Republic' for Green Left Weekly soon.

Great activist and impressive novelist.

Safety at Sea

Safety at Sea  

by Roberto Mattiello

Impossible triangle

Impossible triangle  

by Kopfinger

The image is based on photo

Nun who fought for Tribal rights beheaded

Just had this from one of my friends in India

'This is an odd story, but rather resonant. A Catholic Nun who was fighting for Tribal rights was beheaded by a group of men, after receiving threats from the local coal mafia.

I think this illustrates another aspect of "Dirty Coal"'

Catholic nun Valsa John (52), who was involved in a movement against displacement of tribal people by coal

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

When Dali and Escher Met

When Dali and Escher Met  

by Geoff Treagus

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Reoccupy Wall Street!

Statement from Occupy Wall Street

To occupy is to embody the spirit of liberation that we wish to manifest in our society. It is to exercise our freedom to assemble. We are creating space for community, values, ideas, and a level of meaningful dialogue that is absent in the present discourse.Liberated space is breaking free of isolation, breaking down the walls that literally and



by Nils O. Brusli (Enobee)

Monday, November 14, 2011

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Photos of impossible triangle

Photos by Melanie Aldrich (melliloquence)

Impossible figures and stairs

Images by kitkat93

Never forget the millions killed in futile wars!

I met Heather Tanner in the early 1980s, she was in her 80s and told me of how she became a life long anti-war activist because her beloved brother was killed a minute or two before the end of the first world war, the 11 minute, of the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, a ritual date that through its neatness killed him. Never forget!

Come you masters of warYou that build

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Impossible triangle

Impossible triangle  

by DevilTraitor

Friday, November 11, 2011

PhD students occupy against Euro dictatorship

Greece and now Italy are ruled by European bank-o-crats.

Democracy has ended.

To keep the  bond markets happy no doubt a coup in Britain would be appropriate.

European voters have no say, schools, hospitals, clinics shut, wages slashed, so derivative markets can continue.

Nice to see phd students occupy in protest at European Council President Herman Van Rompuy:

Herman Van Rompuy,

Schrödinger's Cat

Series of artworks "Schrödinger's Cat" by Jie Qi

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Impossible towers

Impossible Towers by Dennis Rose

Artworks by Andrew Pastushenko

Artworks with impossible figures by Andrew Pastushenko

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Impossible triangles in space

Images by Gard

Images for Laboratorio de la Fabricación Exhibition

Images by Marta Veludo

This saturday ULU 'Feed the world without destroying the planet: A seminar on food sovereignty'

November 12, 11-5.30

Registration 10.30.

University of London Union,

Malet Street, London WC1

Organised by Socialist Resistance and Green Left


11- 1.30 Introductory plenary

1.30-2.30 Lunch

2.30-4.00 Workshops

Women and Food Sovereignty

Agribusiness and the supermarkets

Land rights not Land grabs

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Protest and we will maim you?

Rubber Bullets agreed for use by police at Student Demonstrations 

Responding to the Met Police's statement on the potential use of ‘baton rounds' (similar to rubber bullets) at this week's student protests over tuition fees, Green Party Mayoral Candidate Jenny Jones said: "Any officer that shoots a student with a baton round will have to answer to the whole of London.

"How did we come to

So if capitalism doesn't work what do you suggest instead!

Great to speak at Occupy London on capitalism and alternatives, I argued capitalism is innately flawed but the commons provides a democratic and ecological alternatives.

 Lets not be dogmatic but lets look at how collective and ecological property rights might work.

Marx is excellent on the 'macro' how commons were destroyed and the possibility of their restoration.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Video of Caroline Lucas MP speaking at Occupylsx

Great speech.

'We will fight it every step of the way' 'biggest lie of all is there is no alternative'

oh and catch me tomorrow.

'What is capitalism and what are the alterantives' 2pm, Occupy London at St Pauls.

See you there!

Impossible tower

Impossible Tower  

by Geet Lord

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Green Left backs Mark Campbell as UCU secretary

“"Green Left puts full support behind Mark Campbell as a candidate in the up coming UCU General Secretary Election. The group recognises the need for trade unions to have active, rank and file leadership, responsive to grass roots activists and that as a General Secretary candidate, Mark embodies this within UCU.We welcome Mark’s decision, if elected, to only draw his lecturer’s salary, and

Wooden garden sculpture

Wooden garden sculpture of impossible cube  

by English Garden Carpentry Company

Love Triangle

Love triangle  

by surreal-junkie

'Greens continue to prosper where Labour fears to tread'

Caption Ed Milband speech bubble 'I wish I had Caroline's vision and radicalism'?

This is worth reading from the Brighton Politics Blogger, glad to see my party growing and standing for justice and change:

Bravely, four weeks after the event, when he knew which way the tide was running, and taking his lead from the Archbishop of Canterbury, Ed Miliband has come our, unequivocally in

Wooden Triangle

Wooden Triangle  

by Cornelia Mladenova

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Caroline Lucas at Occupy London today

And I am running a little workshop on 'capitalism' tuesday 2pm.

Lots happening tomorrow, just cut and pasted this to tempt you'all.

Sunday 6th November

11am Tent City University at St Paul’s – ‘Reflections: a media perspective’ - Three weeks into the occupation, deputy comment editor of the Guardian, Libby Brooks and special correspondent Audrey Gillan review mainstream media coverage

Logo of Perspecta

Logo of Perspecta by Elixir Design

Mosaic impossible triangle

Mosaic impossible triangle  

by Elemare

'What is capitalism and what are the alternatives?' Discussion Tuesday, 8th Nov at 14:00 Occupy the London Stock Exchange St Pauls

I have organised the following event.

'What is capitalism and what are the alternatives?' Discussion Tuesday, 8th Nov at 14:00 Occupy the London Stock Exchange St Pauls

Caroline Lucas has been down to speak a couple of times.

Incidentally my argument is for common pool property rights see Karl Marx and Elinor Ostrom.

A good discussion can be found here if this is a new concept 

Endless staircase with Futurama characters

Endless staircase with Futurama characters  

by Go-a-Green-a

Friday, November 4, 2011

Homage to Escher

Homage to Escher 

by Can van de Goor

Cynosys Global

Logo project by Maximilian

Caroline Lucas speaks 'We are the 99% Rally and March at Occupy London Stock Exchange'

We are the 99% Rally and March at Occupy London Stock Exchange

2pm, Saturday 5th November - Steps of St Pauls, London

We stand for progressive alternatives to making the majority pay for a crisis they did not create. The Rally starts at 2pm and will be followed by a peaceful march to Parliament

Speakers include:

Caroline Lucas MP

John Pilger

Seumas Milne (Guardian)

Kate Hudson -

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Myself drawing ...

Myself drawing...

a series of artworks by FinalFantasyEva

Respected Elder Delfin Payaguaje, visits SOAS

Respected Elder Delfin Payaguaje, visits SOAS


Location School Of Oriental and African Studies

Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square, WC1H

London, United Kingdom


Created by: Native Spirit Foundation, Amy Woodrow Arai


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Installation with impossible figures




Michael Dooley, a nominated candidate for the General Secretary election in construction union UCATT, is to mount a legal challenge over a ban imposed on him from standing for election. Three members of the UCATT general council and three members of its executive council, including President John Thompson, formed a

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Scottish Green Party reject ‘green’ claims of charity involved in ethnic cleansing of Palestinians

The Scottish Green Party, yesterday condemned the Jewish National Fund (JNF), a British charity implicated in human rights violations in Israel. At its annual conference in Aberdeen, delegates unanimously supported a motion against the JNF and called for its charitable status to be revoked.

In May of this year, David Cameron resigned as honorary patron of the JNF, the first time in the